January 23rd, 2016


New Game starting soon (still under some construction)


Our realm is but one of many. Infinite planes manifest themselves within a powerful gem known to some as the M'Kraan Crystal. Each facet of the ancient gem holds entire universes of marvelous deeds and powerful people.

Until the crystal was destroyed.

You are one of these powerful people, one of the few that a cataclysm that tore across the multiverse. It is now up to you, with powerful allies, to preserve what remains. The Gathering is a new panfandom game that will draw influence from many sources, including Magic: The Gathering. Come join the fight for what remains of reality.

We are just setting up, and some parts are still under construction (or not the prettiest just yet), but if we look like something you might be interested in, we'd love to have you. Personal storylines can begin as soon as players start joining. Gamewide storylines will start after we have a few characters under our belt.


Premise | Rules | FAQs (Coming Soon) | Wanted Characters (Coming Soon) | Taken Characters | Application | The Color Wheel | Locations (Coming Soon) | Dropbox

[No Subject]

Looking for some people to write with. General information in the journal.



Age of Marvels

Charles Xavier: the man, the pacifist, the icon. Founder of the X-Men and advocate for peaceful co-existence, Xavier is well-connected, well-loved, and well-respected.

And that's why he's going to die.

What will happen to all his social progress when the face of such a movement is assassinated in front of millions?

There's nothing you can do to stop it. No way to turn back time and prevent this from occurring. All you get to decide is how you will react and what you will do after.

A Golden Age is about to meet a violent end. It's time for the Age of Marvels.



[No Subject]

Sailor Moon or Harry Potter lines?



X-Project - An X-Men/MCU RPG



Don’t you wonder who would win in a battle of the movieverse Avengers against the movieverse X-Men? Do you wonder what role Agents of SHIELD would have in a world where mutants exist? Do you wish you could have two Spider-Men swinging across New York City instead of only Peter Parker?

With X-PROJECT, now you can! Before Marvel’s own reality-smooshing event of the Secret Wars, X-Project underwent a relaunch, which expanded the pool of usable concepts to all of the Marvel properties, regardless of who holds the licence. Using the X-Men franchise as a base, we are now pulling in elements from the MCU, Spider-Verse and other properties.

Established in May 2003, X-Project is a journal-based RPG on Livejournal. We use a combination of in-character journals and email/IM logs. There's a number of settings for a range of play, whatever your preference, and the slate has been wiped clean on all of our available and retired characters.

Check out the Wiki and the unplayed characters page to see what's available. Readers are highly encouraged! If you're looking for X-Men-based entertainment, X-Project welcomes you to read along and enjoy the ride!

Welcome to X-Project | Application | Available Characters | Game Wiki | Read The Game | FAQ | Contact Us | Follow Us on Twitter! | Rules | Tumblr | Application Checklist





This is your life. It’s familiar, inescapable, and you’ve accepted it’s the life you’ll always have. Then somewhere along the way, you made a wish. Maybe you didn’t even know it, some desire hidden deep within you for something different that you could never really admit to having, even to yourself. But someone noticed, someone with a power more immense than they really should have been trusted with, and this generous soul has decided to make that wish your reality...

We are a small, friendly community looking for more writers to join us. Commonalities is a panfandom memory-regain au set in modern-day London that also welcomes original characters.
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