May 6th, 2015



Last Exit: A horror based game for original characters!


Welcome to Last Exit, Louisiana. A small town resting on the bayou, Last Exit is home to a close knit community where gossip runs rampant and dark secrets run deep. New residents, or outsiders traveling through, may find something a little off about the town, although they can't quite put their finger on what it is. Eccentric locals are happy enough to regale you with the town's sinister history, while others will quickly brush off Last Exit's supposed past as urban legend.

The thing is, the longer you stay, the more evident it becomes that Last Exit is hiding something. The strange occurrences, the mysterious disappearances, the brutal murders (most of which go unsolved). For those living in Last Exit, the things that go bump in the night may actually be real. And the worst kind of monsters may be living right next door.

Will you survive?

Last Exit is an original horror based game that takes place in the fictional southern town of Last Exit, Louisiana. Last Exit is a game that will focus on both individual plots, as well as larger game-wide arcs. This game will be dealing with dark themes that include psychological horror, the supernatural, death and more. Last Exit is for original characters only.

It's different down here...




Epilogues: a dystopian Harry Potter game.


Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold.

In 1945, Gellert Grindelwald succeeded in defeating Albus Dumbledore, his former lover turned nemesis, after a long and exhaustive three-hour duel.

Great Britain, the last remaining European power to hold strong against his vast armies, fell just one year later.

[info]epilogues is a dystopian Harry Potter game set in 1984 world in which Grindelwald won.

The game opened May 1 and we have many great characters available for play. Come join us!


a dystopian harry potter rpg c. 1984

premise | world guide | taken | holds | apply | contact

[info]epiloguesic & [info]epiloguesooc



[No Subject]


'cause I left my heart on the golden coast
and it's her tan i love the most
with each new tide she waves goodbye
to California
Mostly centered by the beach, Luna Bay is not a big place. It's off the Pacific Coast Highway, and it has one main road that runs from the exit to the beach. It branches in two directions- north to the Hilltop and south to UCLB. The Hilltop is where the rich live with their expansive beach-side houses. Some are only summer homes, while others live there year round. A five-star restort is located at the Hilltop, as well, and has a private beach. The town is where a vast majority of people live. Small roads spiderweb off the main street, but most of the business are places along it or on the boardwalk. Houses are stuck seemingly in any space possible.

Luna Bay is mostly forgotten with the surrounding big-name towns. It's a comfortbale town with not much more than a few schools, some stores, and a boardwak. People come to the resort on the hilltop or the restaurant, but for the most part it's all about the waves.
Out of state but never out of mind.
The Night Life is an all original character RPG set in the fictional town of Luna Bay, California. It focuses on the day to day life of a sleepy little beach town and the lives of those who live there.
rules.   application.   cast.   holds.



XSwap: a Marvel Powerswap Game



Things are a little different. In this game, each character has had their powers swapped with another Marvel character. Charles Xavier, still the world's most powerful telepath in this universe, had opened a school to teach young mutants and allow older mutants to teach. Those are constants. But, for the rest, these characters' histories and personalities have always been dependent on their special talents and abilities. Now that they've been born with radically different ones, the outcome might be very different.

So what's new and different? And what's stayed the same?

Wanted Characters Include: Sofia Mantega, Julian Keller, Thieves' Guild members, Sebastian Shaw, Donald Pierce, Tessa Niles, Hellfire Club members, Kurt Wagner, Logan, Piotr Rasputin, Illyana Rasputin, Lois London, David Alleyne, Ororo Munroe, Hank McCoy, Warren Worthington III, Arthur Centino, Guthries.


Game Opened April 1st
|| LINKS ||
Taken Characters || Holds || Application
Wanted Characters || Mod Journal || OOC Journal



[No Subject]

[info]greaterlondon - open faces and lines in casual and laid back setting. help us build a diverse community and enjoy aim, live chat, cards against humanity, group posts, and more. bring your muse or check our wanted page for ideas and lines.

currently, players are looking for three older brothers, the "legitimate" half-sister (pakistani), you named me sue, how do you do, idris elba bio dad, semi-estranged half brother...

adds take place at MIDNIGHT EST Thursday & Monday