June 27th, 2014



[No Subject]

Rules Available Wanted Taken

Welcome to the Village of Lost Souls

A village out of time and space, hinged in a second of life and pulling people from key points in their life. Be it a choice that changed their fate, a near-death experience or a moment that decided their life, people are drawn to the village. One cannot find the location and there is no rhyme or reason to why and when people arrive or leave. It merely exists. The residents are nothing more than lost souls trapped by the magic and given a new life to live. The village assigns jobs and housing and those living have their part to play in ensuring the village’s ability to run and move forward. One cannot be forced to work or study, as the magic suggests, but as the saying goes “It takes a Village.”

The magic that holds the world together and yet separate from the one back home rewards the residents for working together, but punishes them for one's selfish act. When the residents stick together, the small town goes about its business as if it were an ordinary one. When someone does something for themself-consults the Oracle to seek personal gain, refuses to do their job for hatred of their position, or does something against another villager, the magic punishes the entire village with disturbances in their lives, great or small depending on the offense.

This is an AU Harry Potter displacement game, allowing for multi-generation play. Characters must be at least 16 years or older to allow for adult-themed play, unless requests are approved by the moderators. Characters may be chosen from any named person from JK Rowling’s notes or the books. All canon back home stands as the books state, but writers and characters are able to develop their own storylines. This is a place of new chances and a place to find new developments with our favorite cast.

Before applying, read the game rules and feel free to send an email to the moderators at lostsoulsmods@gmail.com.

Application Locations Jobs Housing



[No Subject]


Welcome to the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning

Trouble is brewing. Bombings and other dangerous incidents are occurring all over the State and the blame is being placed upon mutants, most particularly the terrorist group Brotherhood of Mutants, who have remained silent on the matter thus far.

Anti Mutant groups are on the rise, spearheaded by the campaign of the Presidential candidate Graydon Creed. The X-men are seeking answers to the incidents while the Brotherhood bid their time; the Hellfire club are rearing their head and both the X-men and the Brotherhood are starting to actively seek recruitment.

[info]xmenmods is a laid back X-men game, original character friendly and actively seeking core Marvel characters. Neutral sides, Hellfire club, Anti-mutant groups and more are now open for play!

Premise // Cast
Application // Taken/Held // Rules/FAQ // Taken PBs // Friends Of Humanity, Purifiers, Reavers, Hellfire Club, The Hand


[No Subject]


rules & faqs
gladiator (n.) an armed combatant who entertains audiences in violent confrontations with other gladiators, wild animals, and condemned criminals

it began with twenty four fighters kidnapped for a televised arena game. the show became a runaway hit. more fighters were gathered. the arenas became grander and more diverse. the living facilities were expanded with increasing luxuries and challenges to occupy the fighters in their downtime. it has become a world of its own.

the aliens who captured the fighters and run the arenas have only acknowledged one motive for their actions: entertainment. obviously there are those who don't believe this or simply don't care and still refuse to play by the rules. struggle and resist or accept your fate, either way, the next arena will come.

let the games begin



[No Subject]

Can we please get a Caroline Forbes and Bonnie Bennett over at [info]portlandproject!

[No Subject]


· NOW OPEN · Robert Baratheon is dead. His younger brothers Stannis and Renly and the entirety of the Lannister family now fight for control of the city and his residual power, trying to carve out a place to defend themselves from. The Starks struggle to maintain reason in the political realm while the Martell family avoids the reach of the law and broods on revenge, wondering what the banished and forgotten Targaryens have been planning all these years.

The streets are open for the taking and alliances are ready to be formed. While several families vie for control of Westeros, only one may be seated on the throne at a time. In this sort of game, you win, or you die. There is no middle ground.
Set in the fictional American town of Westeros, Gangdom is a roleplay community based off of Game of Thrones, modernized and with the added twist of organized crime families. MODS IC OOC
