June 1st, 2014



[No Subject]







Pride Lion Shifters
Clan Hyena Shifters

"The real world is where the monsters are."

For as long as anyone can remember, San Luis Obispo has been a place of beauty; a place for tourists to stop by on their way to the larger cities along the California coast, a place for people to come wanting a quiet week away, a good stopping point for those headed to the national park.

And yet this pretty, quiet county just happens to be sitting on a Hellmouth. A Hellmouth which, up until 2002, was mostly dormant.

You see, it wasn't named after a Saint for no reason. When the Spanish explorer sailed into the harbour, in the late 1700s, he had no idea what he was getting himself or his men into. He couldn't understand why the neighbouring Chumash tribes weren't making use of the deep, protective harbour which had granted his ships safe passage and provided them with shelter from the storms and swells of the Pacific Ocean. Why weren't they fishing in these waters? Why did they stay in the confines of the glaciers and forest?

The answer was simple, and it came to Francisco, their captain, exactly three days later, when he awoke to discover seven blood soaked bodies lying neatly at the edge of his camp. Another three days passed and he awoke to find the same thing. Except this time, the bodies were drained of blood. Three days later, while scouting in the forest, he came face to face with his friend Pere. No big deal you might think, only he'd buried Pere himself two nights prior. It was then that Francisco began to realise what he was dealing with. Not the tribes, as he'd first thought, but demons.

No one knows exactly what happened in the weeks following. Francisco never spoke about it, and neither have the Chumash people. But if you were there you'd know that blood was spilled, sacrifices were made and at some point, the Hellmouth temporarily closed. Without its pull the demons retreated back into the darkness and left the little harbour town alone. San Luis Obispo was born, the church was erected for safe-keeping, Francisco went back to Spain, and the centuries slowly passed until the city's bloody history was completely forgotten.

GAME OPENED OCTOBER 2012. Join today!



[No Subject]


The world which you inhabit is under threat, though you couldn't possibly have begun to realize it yet. Tiny tears are appearing in the fabric of the universe and people from far flung dimensions have been torn from their realities, through these wormholes, and have been brought to this time and this space. Portland.

Not the Portland with which you might be familiar with, however. This Portland exists hundreds of thousands of light years from the world you are from and the properties of this dimension are, as yet, unknown to you. Although familiar in many ways you will encounter things you couldn't possibly expect, or think could be real, and you will meet people with strange powers far different from any you have seen before.

This is a world where anything is possible and all your dreams, or nightmares, might easily come true.


The Portland Project is a pan-fandom role playing game set in an alternate universe version of Portland, Oregon.
Wanted Characters

The Vampire Diaries: Nadia Petrova, Jeremy Gilbert, Matt Donovan

The Originals: Marcel Gerard, Camille O'Connell

MCU: Happy Hogan, Loki, Thor, Clint Barton, Phil Coulson, Maria Hill, Nick Fury, Howard Stark, Sharon Carter, Timothy 'Dum Dum' Dugan

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Melinda May, Grant Ward, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Mike Peterson, Victoria Hand, Jasper Sitwell

Hemlock Grove: Roman Godfrey, Shelley Godfrey, Peter Rumancek

Doctor Who: Rory Williams, Donna Noble, Martha Jones

Once Upon a Time: Emma Swan, David Nolan, Mary Margaret Blanchard, Henry Mills, Regina Mills, Mr. Gold, Belle, Captain Hook, Neal Cassidy, Tinker Bell, Dr. Whale, August W. Booth

Sherlock: Sherlock Holmes, Greg Lestrade

Firefly: Mal Reynolds, Zoë Washburne, Hoban 'Wash' Washburne, Kaylee Frye, Simon Tam, River Tam, Shepherd Book

Arrow: John Diggle

Teen Wolf: Chris Argent

Warehouse 13: Pete Lattimer, Myka Bering, Artie Nielsen, Leena, H.G. Wells, Joshua Donovan, Claire Donovan





X-Project - an X-Men Movieverse RPG on Livejournal




Date of Birth: July 12, 1990

Powers: Healing factor, plus bone hand and foot claws


Brought up by her single mother in San Francisco, Laura Kinney was a bright, bubbly teenager with not a care in the world - until a near-miss with a car resulted in her discovering she was a mutant. A further shock lay in store when it was revealed by her mother that she was in fact the genetically manipulated 'offspring' of the man known as Wolverine, created as part of the Weapon X project and 'stolen' by her geneticist 'mother'. Sent to Xavier's, Laura refused to let her extraordinary origins - and her grumpy, distant and frequently absent 'Pops' - bring her down, remaining as perky as only a cheerleader can be. Her job as a trainee investigator with the detective agency X-Factor proved both rewarding and challenging and when her boyfriend, Kevin Ford, decided to take an extended trip, she went with him, partly to recover from the trauma of her undercover work in a brothel and the disappearance of older sister figure and co-worker, Vanessa Carlysle. Laura is resilient, however, and it's likely she'll be back, just as peppy as ever.

X-Project is an X-Men movieverse RPG on Livejournal. Set after X2, we've been running since May 2003 and use a combination of in-character journals and email/IM logs. There's a number of settings for a range of play, whatever your preference, and while we accept new characters we strongly encourage people to adopt one of our orphans.

Check out the Wiki and the advertising community to see what's available. Readers are highly encouraged! If you're looking for X-Men based entertainment, X-Project welcomes you to read along and enjoy the ride!

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[No Subject]

Dearly looking for some pirates for our AU Neverland game over at [info]savagegardens!