May 17th, 2013



New Cycle Starting Soon!

horror story.
a game of horror vignettes
Horror Story is an ever-evolving alternate universe for original characters. Unwittingly, these characters have been pulled into a place beyond the boundaries of time and space. A shifting dark side or twilight zone that they have no control over and very little - if any - knowledge of. Only a select few will become aware that the rules of this world are being altered, but everyone can feel that something is amiss.

The game works in cycles. Each cycle will have its own setting and major plot arc. All characters will be included, though how involved they become in the main story is up to you. At the end of the cycle the world may shift, but the characters will remain; forced into a new situation, and given the opportunity for a new role. Because everyone will get a chance to be "good" or "bad" depending on circumstance, we are looking for fleshed out, interesting characters who are capable of both. Don't just play with us, come tell a story.
premise rules cast wanted apply mod

Island of Storms


In April of 2013, the Eighth World Wonder—a moderate sized luxury liner with room for 1,000—gave away 80 seats for free.

What was supposed to be a calm, relaxing vacation of a cruise turned into a hellish nightmare when the ship accidentally sailed into what sailors refer to as the Devil's Square. No ship, no plane, no helicopter that ever enters the square ever returns; no one that enters the perimeter ever reappears.

They may try to escape, but they'll soon find that no one leaves.





[No Subject]

Since the show we love is over for the season, we've decided to start up some fun of our own to pass the time. We all know we need a little TVD in our lives, so with that being said [info]theturningpoint is a AU Season 5 TVD/The Originals game that is currently undergoing construction to get everything set up. The idea is simple. Everything that has happened in show, has happened in game. Maybe a twist could happen where the vail never gets put back up in the end and Kol does in fact convince Bonnie to drop it completely? Leaving our favorites around. Since it is post Graduation and people are moving on with their lives, I was thinking maybe the setting could be in New Orleans. That way both shows can balance together, imagine the damage Silas!Stefan could do there?

Anyone interested? Have any ideas to contribute while we set things up? The only ones currently on hold at the moment are the following: Marcel, Silas, and Caroline.