February 2nd, 2013


[No Subject]

[info]beaconhillsca. We're looking for an Erica, Boyd, Jackson and Danny! Original characters are also welcomed!

[No Subject]

life as we know it • real life, city/small town
Mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, friends, lovers, husbands, wives, co-workers, arch nemesis, bosses, shop assistants, cheaters, one night stands, fair weather friends, back stabbing bitches, the guy who gave you his seat on the subway, the girl who smiled at you when you were just having a bad day. Life is made up of people, of unexpected moments, of all the little things which somehow come together to create life as we know it. It's the bad days, the good days, the amazing days, the duvet days and the top of the world days. Life As We Know It is a present day play-by game set throughout the world however the majority of the play will take place in Brookshore, a large seaside city and the small, picture-esque town of Willow Creek. Hopefully both will be home to a colorful, diverse and eclectic cast of both characters and players where everyone can explore every facet of life.
further info / the cast
the nowhere • panfandom
There is no warning, no way to know that when you lay your head down to sleep you would wake to find yourself in another place entirely. The room is somewhat empty, it’s plain, simple but if you look you will find pieces of your old life - clothes, trinkets, a few books maybe. But you know instantly that this isn't home, that everything is... wrong. On the desk you find a peculiar looking arm brace which when placed on flickers to life with a touch screen and a keyboard seemingly made of light below it. The brace connects directly to The Network via text, voice and even video messages. The only thing left to do is step out the door and see what is waiting for you... but are you brave enough to do so?
further info / the cast
a time for heroes• high fantasy, urban fantasy & supernatural
The mortal realm is old, its history deep. The Beyond is older, its history reaching further back. Some believe that it is The Beyond who brought life to the Mortal Realm, who began to populate it. Who, or what happened doesn’t truly matter though. All you need to know is that there is now only one place the Mortal Realm and The Beyond touch and that is a gate: one side situated in the Kingdom of Asheth and the other on the mortal island of Arillius. It is a quiet Island, out of the way, untouched. Possibly because it is situated in the Bermuda Triangle. Or perhaps the Bermuda Triangle is there because Arillius is. Either way it is a doorway to the Beyond. Or was, but the closing is part of our story and we will get to that...
further info / the cast