March 17th, 2012


[No Subject]

[info]gleeting, a glee/starkids psl looking for cory, harry, jenna, dom, titus, matthew, samuel, damian, vanessa, meredith, the brians, brant, bonnie, chuck criss, charlene kaye, evanna lynch and more.

[No Subject]


Harry Potter didn't invent fame. Celebrity has always been a hot commodity in the wizarding world and this elite class -- from Quidditch players to stage actors, from radio hosts to musicians -- are living the good life. A premiere here. A club opening there. A scandal in the papers everywhere. You may have wanted this life, you may have been born into it, or it may have been an accident you wish you could take back, but the fact remains that your name is the name on everybody’s lips. And if it’s not yet, then it’s going to be.

Sensationalists is a next gen post-warts Harry Potter game for every witch or wizard who has ever wanted to make it in the entertainment industry – those that might, those that have, those that haven’t, and those that manage them.

WANTED: Quidditch players, WWN radio show hosts, ACTORS, PR representatives, managers, journalists, and many more!

premise | rules | taken parents | taken pbs | holds
application | wanted | faq | ask box



[No Subject]



I'm trapped here, in a land far beneath the surface of the sea. I need you to bring gifts of worth to offer to my captor; please, help me! I will reward you heavily- more power than you could ever imagine, beauty that others will envy, and a reputation that will travel further than the mere reaches of Fae Woods. Hurry to the cove at the edge of Summerwood and drop the items down! Before it's too late...

- Nixe, the royal mermaid



Ye Gods!


NYC, 2012— These days, no one believes in the existence of gods like Zeus or Odin. It's about as crazy as believing in magic. But hidden amidst the rush and bustle of the city exists a subculture regular humans have no idea about: demi-gods. In the demi-gods' world, it's not uncommon to find oneself trapped in a book, facing down the undead, or going toe-to-toe with pyro-happy angels. But what they don't realize is that something a lot bigger and badder is heading their way...

[info]yegods is a modern fantasy roleplaying game inspired by White Wolf's Scion setting and Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series. We're a small plot-driven, log heavy game with super friendly players and a lot of activity, so join today! Join us and experience the adventure, intrigue, and excitement of Ye Gods!





Doors: Seeking Heroes
A hero is no braver than an ordinary man.

Las Vegas. America’s Sin City, where decadence is on the menu at every meal, and where every vice can be had for a price. It’s no surprise, then, that when the doors to fiction opened, they chose to do so in this place, where the fairytale lights obscure a world gone dark with desire. Here, the heroes of fiction face the challenge of their own demons. Superman patrols the skies of Metropolis. Jon Snow stands firm at the head of the Night’s Watch. Sherlock Holmes picks through London for sordid clues. Sirius Black faces the wizarding world he left behind in death. Captain America prepares for the war that is always coming.

The heroes of fiction await in the Passages Hotel. They’re contained for now to the minds of their hosts, to the doors they inhabit, the worlds they dream of making better places. But what will happen when that all changes?

Will your hero be strong enough to resist?

Seeking Heroes From: Avengers, Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, X-Men, Inception, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, American Horror Story and Supernatural.