December 10th, 2010


are you a swot?

Voldemort was dead and life went on. Students who had spent the last year fighting for their lives suddenly found themselves in a world with limitless possibility, capable of finding new direction and new purpose. There were job interviews to go on and bills to pay. Funerals and first dates. Second dates. Weddings. Children. Twenty-eight years later, a new generation of students will be boarding the Hogwarts Express- the children of war heroes and villains alike. With the Second War safely behind them in their History of Magic textbooks, these students find themselves blessed with the opportunity to live normal lives as normal teenagers, focused on Hogsmeade weekends, school events and N.E.W.T. exams and faced with the choice to either put the past behind them or settle for living in the shadow of their parents. Adolescence is challenging enough, a time of increasing independence and creative exploration. As these teenagers prepare for their last years at Hogwarts, will they step out as individuals -- away from their parents' pasts -- or will lingering prejudices continue to affect social order?

SWOTTING is a next-gen, canon-compliant RPG focused on character development, interpersonal relationships and providing a realistic school experience at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.



[No Subject]

Looking for a Vampire line! Have a an idea in mind, but it's certainly open for additions and opinions. Can take place in the world of True Blood or Twilight.

[No Subject]


● Dragon Ball AU ●

After the mysterious young Saiyan destroyed what appeared to be the indestructible Frieza; he comes bearing a grim prediction for the Z-Fighters in their near future. In about three years, two monstrous and powerful Androids will emerge and unleash chaos and destruction upon the people of Earth, such evil that's unlike any other foe they have ever faced. If what this young man predicts is indeed true, our heroes must prepare themselves for a fight of their lives. The question is, will three years be enough time to train for these future killer machines?

OPENING 01/01/11



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[No Subject]


It was decided. Potter was not to be killed, but to become the weapon Voldemort needed to enslave the world.

Summer, 1997 - It has taken the Dark Lord sixteen long years to get back to power and things finally came together. The Ministry was almost in the palm of his hand.

The only task left was to get Potter. And the Dark Lord sent his Death Eaters to the most likely place he would by, St. Ottery Catchpole. With the shock of the Minister’s death, and the ambush, the crowd at the Burrow was in a panic. He was almost lost when others attempted to apparate him away, but soon they had their hands on him

His Death Eaters eagerly brought the boy to the Dark Lord. And Potter was obstinate till the end, when the Dark Lord ordered the boy’s memory modified. If Potter could not be destroyed, he would become the Dark Lord’s tool and ally.

Winter, 2004 - It has been seven years, and Harry Potter now has the Wizarding World under his heel. He is the new Ministry of Magic, and does the bidding of the Dark Lord. Society is different. The Muggles are enslaved. People are in fear. And the Dark Lord is distracted.

He has the Elder Wand of the Deathly Hallows Legend, but is unable to use it. And Potter’s ambitions are growing every day and so the Dark Lord's paranoia. His Horcruxes are well hidden but he still fears death. So he is seeking out the rest of the Hallows, while Potter rules all.

Opening when we reach 10 characters!
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The True Game


The lands of the Sapphire Domain are quite nearly legendary. When wars - or games as they're called - rage all around, these lands have managed to survive and even flourish. When games were lost, rulers of the domain would rebuild. Rarely has a poor ruler come into power, and many other domain rulers long for the power of the Sapphire Domain.

The Sapphire Domain, currently ruled by King Willem, has been unscathed by games for the last ten years. Some say he's the most intelligent, tactical and all around best ruler the Sapphire Domain has ever had. Others wonder just what powers he holds that have kept him and his contingency from ever losing a battle. Whispers abound: is he hiding something? Is there a greater power than his? But the real question is, how much longer can his winning streak last?




[No Subject]

You guys, I would sell my first born children for a Storm and Iceman at [info]no_good_deed. Also, there are a bunch of others wanted before we blow the school up on the 20th.

[No Subject]


Freeform Fantasy. Gotta love it.

[No Subject]


 the five kingdoms of agarion.
The original five kingdoms were as thus: the Northern Lights, the Midgard (later split into the Craig to the west and the Sommerlands to the east), the Edge, the Six Keys and Starfall. These were united under the rule of House Vysgoth and together brought an end to the First, heralding the Year of Mankind's Dominion. The calendar now marks 1328 Anno Dominium Hominis. It has been forty years since Prince Eulorys II was survived by his father the King Rhaemar, whose spirit soon followed in grief. Whereas Eulorys II's infant son, Daemon III, stood to inherit the crown, this line of succession was contested by Vaelarys, the Second of Rhaemar's Name. Backed by half the lords of the land, including, unexpectedly, Lord Vallens the Kingmaker, the dispute was soon settled in a bloodless coup. The queen and her infant king, now deposed of all authority, were banished from Agarion.

For two decades, Vaelarys reigned. Some hailed him as a much needed reformist who single-handedly turned the realm around, while others spake of him still as an usurper who excelled only at conjuring appearances of good kingship by wrapping despotism in a cult of personality. Whichever side was true, it was not to last. As the years wore on, Vaelarys began to regret merely exiling his nephew. The cold shadow of apprehension spread like poison and sure enough, it was an ill omen that blew in as the once infant king prepared to take his right by force.

Daemon III rose to power amidst mixed opinions on the streets. His rebellion was not a bloodless one and the years of warring ushered his regime in a storm of discontent. But he was gifted with the same stock of charisma that had served his uncle so well in his time, and so covered his mental defects with a predatory charm and a generous coffer. Yet, there was only so much that a smile and a wink could suppress. Just as it seemed that the brutal overthrow of Vaelarys Vysgoth and his children was all but forgotten, the king's madness began to grow increasingly more apparent. In the early days, only those closest to him would catch glimpses of his darker side and doubt what they had seen, but it was only a matter of time before word spread. Amidst this, the death of his second-born by his first wife has inspired a paranoid obsession in the king to father an army of successors. A game of thrones is about to stir anew...or perhaps it had never truly ended at all. ( READ MORE )