May 17th, 2010



[No Subject]


Cure-all: (noun) Something believed to cure all human disorders.

It started with The Cure: a drug designed to inhibit and reverse the effects of an active x-gene. The very gene which is responsible for the mutation of thousands of people across the globe. While some saw it as an option for those less fortunate mutants who’s x-gene simply left them physically disfigured, or those with powers that made every day life difficult, others saw it as a weapon. One which would even the playing field for the weaker of the two species: man. While the creators boasted about how powerful The Cure was, time proved it was no match to the way in which the x-gene could make a body adapt. Eventually, The Cure failed. But not before those who’d been offended by it’s very existence were ready to strike back.

Four years later, The Cure-All was a sort of response to The Cure. It was made for all humans who no longer wanted to be weak, who wanted to be part of the next evolutionary step of humanity. Like The Cure, at first, it worked perfectly. But only at first.

Three months after the first human had undergone the change to homo-superior, the powers and mutations seemed to fade. What was left in place of the homo-superior, however, wasn’t quite human. Still alive, they were reduced to one basic instinct: the need to feed. Their choice of meal? Human and homo-superior flesh.

Humans who were so much as scratched or bitten changed into these infected creatures within days. Homo-superior were highly resistant to the disease, yet blood transfer was fatal. Not to mention, the infected outnumbered homo-superior a thousand to one. Numbers dropped significantly, especially for those who remained in the large cities, as they simply became overwhelmed by the infected. Within six months, it had spread throughout the world and infected all but a handful of the human population (who were tucked away underground) and killed around a quarter of the mutant population. Those who survived learned that staying on the move meant staying alive. If they stopped anywhere too long, the infected would come. Only a few at first, but then more and more until their numbers were impossible to fight off. In the end it became a matter of fight together or die alone, and surviving was all anyone could hope for.

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[No Subject]




The Hollows: an original character rpg


The Turn of the 1960s brought about a change that no one could have expected. Thanks to a deadly virus, civilization would have disintegrated were it not for one simple fact: Humans were not alone. When they realized that their numbers equaled what was left of humanity, Inderlanders--as they called themselves--stepped into the light. Witches, vampires, werewolves; they were all real and they had been living next door the entire time.

The Hollows is an original character supernatural RPG that takes place in an alternate universe present day. The RPG, which is both plot and character driven, takes place in the city of Cincinnati. Humans and Inderlanders live side by side, some more peacefully than others.



[No Subject]

From the Fire RP
The world has ended. Where will your story begin?

RP looking for new applicants.

Application is Here
Taken Characters and Screen Names

More info )



The Master: ‘My masterpiece, Doctor. A living TARDIS, strong enough to hold the paradox in place, allowing the past and the future to collide in infinite majesty.’
The Doctor: ‘But you're changing history. Not just Earth, the entire universe.’
The Master: ‘I'm a Time Lord. I have that right.’

Last of the Time Lords

The flaws of the plan had been so minute that they were easily missed – even by the Doctor. There had been the time when Amy had caught a glimpse of a blonde girl trailing behind a brown overcoat that seemed far too long for the owner. The time when the redheaded woman in the wedding dress was screeching for a taxi in the middle of London, or the time when Amy had ran head first into a woman with a red leather jacket who had no time to apologise. All these small flaws in a grand plan were easily missed.

The fusion of two worlds has created a crack in time, but no one is yet to realise just what the consequences of this cataclysmic event are. A paradox has been created in the heart of the TARDIS, bringing the past, present and future together:

‘What do you mean: you can’t find it? How can you lose a time machine!?’ Amy Pond said incredulously. ‘Are you telling me that we are stuck in Leadworth?’
‘Upper Leadworth,’ Rory corrected.
‘We could be stuck on Queen Elizabeth’s private yacht for all I care!’
‘That would never happen. She’s terrified of water,’ the Doctor replied.
‘You must let me think!’ the Doctor shouted, falling to the ground and placing his ear to the dewy grass. ‘She was parked here.’ He stood up and grasped at the air before him. ‘She’s been gone for an hour, at least. The fear picked up in his voice. ‘She could be circling any century, any place, any planet ...’
‘But, you have to have a way of bringing it back,’ Amy said, unable to understand a world where the Doctor had no plan formulating. ‘You can bring her back.’
This was an inconceivable event that even the Doctor’s brain could not understand, and as he steadied himself against a wall, staring blankly at the empty space where his TARDIS should have been, he knew that this was it. He did not hear Amy’s cries or Rory’s condolences: the man with the time machine could no longer run.

It is unknown who has stolen the TARDIS, but it has left the Doctor and his companion without a method of escape. The TARDIS has been used to create a Paradox Machine, allowing for past and present to be brought together without instantly destroying the world. These means that two Doctor’s will meet: one with and one without a TARDIS. As these two worlds collide the crack in time is growing and drawing other planets and beings together. However impossible the situation they must work together to restore the balance.
The story will begin before Eleven loses the TARDIS.
I am not opposed to the Master being behind this, but if it is him then the episodes involving the Paradox Machine will not be considered in the game. It seems unlikely that he would repeat the same (failed) plan. However, if there is another idea as to who is behind this plan then I am more than happy to consider it.
[info]aparadox ➸ INFORMATION JOURNAL
[info]theparadox ➸ IN CHARACTER COMMUNITY

[No Subject]

home for Angelina?

[No Subject]


the home of second chances.

Haven’t you ever wished for a second chance in life? Wished for a chance to start over, a chance to get away from the problems in your life? If so, Fortune city is the place for you! A sprawling metropolis, Fortune city gives everyone a second chance. All you need do is wish for it.

Incidentally, wishing is how people tend to arrive in Fortune City. You could be going about your everyday business when you idly wish for a change or you could be running for your life and wishing for a way to escape, it doesn’t matter. As quickly as the thought enters your head, you could find yourself wandering the streets of Fortune City.

Getting here is easy. Leaving is another story.

Don’t worry though, the city will take care of you. The city understands how confusing it can be to arrive somewhere new without any clue as to how you got there. That’s why when you arrive you’re given an information packet that not only tells you why you’re here but also where you’ll live and even provides you with a credit card & a phone. The city just wants to make sure you’re happy during your stay. After all, the city needs you.

Just be careful though. The city is not as safe as it looks.

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[No Subject]


Present day Aiode Falls, Maine is home to many residents from all over the globe. And Universe. The little college town is growing, and becoming home to more and more people all the time. Some of them have no idea how they came to arrive, and some can never go home. As the University gets darker with new arrivals harboring less than happy intentions, so does the city. It is now home to metahumans, vampires, humans, demons, ghosts, aliens and even celestial beings. All of them with defined morals (or none, for that matter) and each with an allegiance. Those without a chosen allegiance are considered fair game, as both sides subconsciously prepare.

There is a constant battle for good and evil in this town, and only one side can prevail.