Dec. 9th, 2017



PSL Closed.

With Ragna deciding to leave and things being really slow here in general, we've made the decision to close this GPSL. Thanks for playing with us over that last several months. ♥

Dec. 2nd, 2017



[No Subject]

Don't forget to comment to the activity check by 6pm EST tonight!

Nov. 25th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hi, guys! It's that time a month where we all have to check in and show that we have been active and that we are still around! I have made a spreadsheet for everyone to track on, so please fill in your links or comment with links to your activity. MAKE SURE YOU ARE ON THE NOV 2017 TAB!

Only one piece of activity per character is needed. Comment threads/PMs need to have at least 3 comments from each character to count. Logs/threads, network posts, etc also count for activity. All activity must be completed within the month of September.

Please comment below with the following by 6pm CST on Saturday December 2nd. If you don't comment to check in, even if you had activity in November, we will assume you are no longer interested in the PSL.

Rather then automatically dropping everyone, I will be asking you to drop half as many as you fail with, if you fail with any. So for 1-2 characters, you'll drop 1; 3-4 characters, you'll drop 2; etc etc.

Plot probably coming soon. Ideas welcome.

Nov. 23rd, 2017



[No Subject]

Daisy is supposed to find someone she finds attractive and act on it today.... any takers? (Preferably from Hannah, Jeanna or Tama since I already have plans for this plot with Maxi and Ragna!)

Claimed for Peter Quill so never mind.

Nov. 12th, 2017



[No Subject]

Maxi adds 2...

So, here are two new people to play with.

1. This is Will Zimmerman from Portege, after training, he'll be working as a morale officer which will be hysterical, he's living with Luke Skywalker and he is going to be unsure about how he feels about all this. He's a good guy though, so he'll figure it out and hey, space is cool.

2. Jonas Quinn from Stargate who is basically a space puppy and he's going to talk all about how O'Neill brought up Star Trek, but Teal'c likes Star Wars A LOT! He's going to be giddy and happy and he'll adjust insanely easily, after training and stuff he'll be working as an Archaeologist. He learns insanely fast and has an amazing memory. He'll be living with Alicia Spinnet. And he loves the weather channel. [info]weatherchannel

My other three, Katie Bell, Kara Danvers and Carrigan Huntington are also open for plot.

Nov. 11th, 2017



[No Subject]

'sup, y'all?

Have a Steve Rogers. I was enabled and encouraged and I have no idea if I'll do him justice, but here he is! When they get back from Risa, he'll be rooming with Rocket, so that should be super fun.

Plot! Be his friend!

Nov. 10th, 2017



NOVEMBER 12th Stuck Plot.

On the 12th, everyone will wake up stuck within a few feet of another person - here are the randomed pairs. This will last for 48 hours! (yes, one of the pairs are two of my own characters, but it was hard to make it work since I think I have almost half the characters in the game lol so we're just going with it)

Nyota Uhura, Cisco Ramon
Kara Danvers, Delila Blackford
Zane Donovan, Bucky Barnes
Sherlock Holmes, Grant Ward
Odd Thomas, Katie Bell
Mara Jade, Alex Danvers
Christine Chapel, Deanna Troi
Spock, Pavel Chekov
Molly Hooper, Annie Zhao
Hikaru Sulu, Alicia Spinnet
Natasha Romanoff, James Kirk
Rocket Raccoon, Leonard McCoy
Trip Tucker, Carrigan Huntington
William Riker, Barry Allen
Daisy Johnson, Leia Organa
Rose Hathaway, Peter Quill
Clara Oswald, Jonas Quinn
Will Zimmerman, Luke Skywalker

Nov. 6th, 2017



[No Subject]

I think this pretty much just affects me, but I am upping the limit to 18 characters per player as of right now. You’re welcome :)

Nov. 5th, 2017



[No Subject]

HI GUYS. We're going to RISA!

Have a calendar with some fun signups and shenanigans :)

Oct. 27th, 2017



[No Subject]

This had been a super bad month for activity for all of us, so I'm giving us all a freebie month. No activity reqs, but I'm still doing a roll call.

Comment here by 6pm CST Friday November 3rd to check in and let us know you're still here!

I'm hoping to post some actual plot for November!

Oct. 15th, 2017



[No Subject]

Sooo, I was playing with tracking threads and stats and I have a bunch of characters who I haven't done a single real thread with (I'm not counting fic that has been posted IC or narratives I've written in cases where I play both characters). I would like to rectify that, so would anyone like a thread with any of the following?
Alex Danvers
Clara Oswald
Deanna Troi

Oct. 1st, 2017



[No Subject]

Don't forget to check in to the ACTIVITY CHECK! You have until Tuesday @ 6pm CST.

Sep. 24th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hi, guys! It's that time a month where we all have to check in and show that we have been active and that we are still around! I have made a spreadsheet for everyone to track on, so please fill in your links or comment with links to your activity. MAKE SURE YOU ARE ON THE SEPT 2017 TAB!

Only one piece of activity per character is needed. Comment threads/PMs need to have at least 3 comments from each character to count. Logs/threads, network posts, etc also count for activity. All activity must be completed within the month of September.

Please comment below with the following by 6pm CST on Tuesday October 3rd. If you don't comment to check in, even if you had activity in September, we will assume you are no longer interested in the PSL.

Rather then automatically dropping everyone, I will be asking you to drop half as many as you fail with, if you fail with any. So for 1-2 characters, you'll drop 1; 3-4 characters, you'll drop 2; etc etc.

Plot probably coming soon. Ideas welcome.

Sep. 5th, 2017



[No Subject]

So my internet time has been cut waaay down since the "scabies" scare and new management at my complex taking over. Long story short, I get about two and a half hours a night on weekdays/a little longer on weekends until my visits with my son start again (usually from 6PM to 8ish), and the data on my mobile is really spotty, and I usually have to do a million things with the little time I've got. So if there is something my characters need to see (that's Kirk, Chekov, Molly and Zane here) shoot me an email with the link if you can or I may miss it entirely. Hopefully we can get internet at my apartment once I know we can renew our lease (::fingers crossed::) but for most of this month, my net access is really spotty.

Sep. 3rd, 2017



September 2-14 Calendar!

Thanks to Hannah for inspiring this plot! Here is a calendar for the first half of September.

calendar September 2-14 )




hi guys. I know I (Lena) have been super slack with plot calendars around here, which is partly due to my health as of late and partly due to me not being awesome at coming up with ideas sometimes. So I could use some help!

If you have any ideas for good plot that would work - and the more specific you are even the better. If I will take vague ideas too - please comment here! You can give me things you'd like to see, planets you'd like the Enterprise to visit, etc or even wrote out ideas for calendar prompts.

I'll try to get something for September throw together this weekend!

Posted via Journaler.

Aug. 29th, 2017



[No Subject]

Don't forget to comment to the activity check by Saturday September 2nd!

Aug. 26th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hi, guys! It's that time a month where we all have to check in and show that we have been active and that we are still around! I have made a spreadsheet for everyone to track on, so please fill in your links or comment with links to your activity.

Only one piece of activity per character is needed. Comment threads/PMs need to have at least 3 comments from each character to count. Logs/threads, network posts, etc also count for activity. All activity must be completed within the month of July.

Please comment below with the following by Saturday September 2nd. If you don't comment to check in, even if you had activity in August, we will assume you are no longer interested in the PSL.

Plot probably coming soon. Ideas welcome.

Aug. 20th, 2017



[No Subject]

So OFFICIALLY I am taking a hiatus until the 1st of September to work on fic stuff (I'm trying to finish as many commissions as possible so I can get more) but it's more of a slowatus for this comm. If you need me for something just let me know.

Also, Zane is going to wake up from the coma today, so feel free to mention it/celebrate and I'll have him comment soonish.

Edit: I meant Zane is coming on the boards today. I was exhausted when I wrote this post.

Aug. 6th, 2017




Just a reminder that tonight was the fight with the Klingons as per the plot calendar.
Finally in range, Sulu hails the Klingons and tries to negotiate the return of his people. The Klingons pretty much laugh at him, throw in a few insults and end the transmission. A few minutes later, the Klingons hail them and demand to know how some of their prisoners came to be here from other times. Unfortunately, the desire for this information is not enough of a bargaining chip to get them back peacefully.

After reaching a stalemate, the Klingons order the Enterprise to leave. When Sulu refuses, the Enterprise is fired on and she returns fire, careful to avoid the warp reactor. When the fight is over, both ships are disabled. The Klingons have no shields, but the Enterprise's transporter is down and will take several hours to repair. ROSE HATHAWAY (8), ODD THOMAS (8), MARA JADE (5), MOLLY HOOPER (6) & NYOTA UHURA (9) are moderately to seriously injured during this attack. ( will decide the severity)
See above for damage to people on the Enterprise! The ship is also pretty banged up and warp drive is disabled as are the transporters. Tomorrow is when the away team is going to go rescue their people!! As a reminder, that team is led by Riker and also includes Grant Ward, Zane Donovan, Kara Danvers, Alicia Spinnet. Everyone will be back on board at 2100 hours tomorrow and Zane Donovan, Alicia Spinnet, Carrigan Huntington and Grant Ward will go directly to sick bay with semi-serious injuries. I'll toss up an IC/OOC post tomorrow with the injury numbers that we can use to plot out visits, etc!

Hit me up with any questions!

Posted via Journaler.