October 2007



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Jul. 22nd, 2007


Hotel Grounds - Early evening

It was faint at first, the loud grinding/wheezing sound. It rose and fell in pitch as it got louder and louder. A faint blue light flashed from out of nowhere, gradually fading in a top a blue phone booth sized box. The light on top of the box stopped flashing as the sound stopped. Moments ago, it hadn't been there. Now it stood proudly as if it had been there the entire time. Just above the doors, the words "POLICE BOX" were lit up, and a faint light shone through the small paned windows.

With the squeak of an old hinge, the door flipped open and a young man clad in a blue suit with a long tan overcoat stepped out. He frowned as he looked around at the hotel grounds.

"This isn't Cardiff," He said in a curious tone as he looked from side to side. "Doesn't even look like London...well...could still be London I suppose." He stepped away from the box, letting the door shut. "Of course, it would have to be London that...isn't London, where did you take me?" He turned to look at the box. "This isn't right, doesn't feel right at all."

He looked back around, watching some people in the distance. "Well, humans anyway...maybe humans I suppose." He tucked his hands in his pockets and leaned against the box. "I'll have to wait...see if they're humans."

(ooc - Come meet The Doctor if you are willing )