Dark Voices - A MWPP Era RPG

August 5th, 2008

August 5th, 2008

Owl to Regulus

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My dear cousin,

I have found out some rather disturbing news. Did you really give your family ring away to someone. I've heard through the grapevine that you gave to a boy by the name of Carrow. Do you really think you should be doing such things? The family crest is nothing to joke about, nor is it something you can just hand off to your friends. We are a respected family it everything we own or that is apart of it should be treated as such. This is something that I would expect from Sirius, but really Reggie why would you do such a thing.

Now I haven't told your mother or Bella what was done. Although, I do hope that you get the ring back. If you don't intend to wear the rind, put it in a safe place. Just don't give it out.

Your worrying cousin,
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