Mar. 13th, 2010


Hi everyone.

Suffice it to say that VA rocked the second show at Absolutely Tampastic. And Landon and Charlotte won best duet, and the whole group won best performance. They've still got it! Be happy - because I'm going to the not happy now.

I'm so so sorry you guys, but I'm closing Vocal Adrenaline. I'm just too busy to keep it up. Add activity being slow because I haven't sent out activity notices or advertised in ages, and it's not fair to any of you.

If you want to keep threading, by all means, do. I won't be doing any of the modly stuff, but I'm not going to close all the communities and things down. They'll still be here for your reading and further writing pleasure.

It's been amazing, and it's a joy to have met and played with you. Keep in touch - everything is still in the contact info - because I would love to hear from you, and I definitely hope to see you around in the future.


PS. If anyone wants the community for revival purposes, drop me a line and I'll pass the set of names (including the email!) over. And probably join too.

PPS. Feel free to leave love for any and all players you think deserve it in the comments!

PPPS. I'm also sticking up a game recs thread for anything you think anyone else might be interested in!

Feb. 7th, 2010


First Two Weeks Recap!

This here is a recap of all of the in-character goings on. These will show up every two weeks!

YAY! )

Just a note to run the friending button, as we've had a lot of new characters added in the past little while.

Oh, and plot away!

March 2010



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