Feb. 21st, 2010


Regionals Log

Who: Vocal Adrenaline
When: Saturday
Where: An auditorium

Let's Rock this House, Yes? )

Feb. 16th, 2010


Email to Dominic Fedorov )

Jan. 31st, 2010


Sunday Vocal Rehearsal

Who: Dominic, open
Where: Auditorium
When: Sunday, just before vocal rehearsal at noon
Content: Just socializing

It's the weekend- there's rehearsal. Just like any other day... )

Jan. 25th, 2010


Hanging Out Before Practice

Who: Michael, Cookie, Dominic
Where: Auditorium
When: Monday, after school and before dance practice
Content: Some of the Vocal Adrenaline members decide to take it easy before the stress of dance practice.
Summary: No Adult Content/Work Safe

Whoever thought he'd come to think Monday was his favorite day of the week? )

(Mod, it wouldn't let me remove tags, I apologize!)