Monday, February 13th, 2012

WHO: Teddy Lupin (v2) and Nymphadora Tonks (canon)
WHAT: Bingo! And also a very late first meeting because we (read: I) are(/am) made of fail
WHEN: [backdated] 31 Jan; Tuesday morning
WHERE: McClain's, the coffee shop down the street
RATING/STATUS: Low/In progress

Failure knows your name )
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Thursday, February 9th, 2012

WHO: Ginny Weasley (v1) and Teddy Lupin (v2)
WHAT: swimming and bingo
WHERE: the pool of course!
WHEN: late afternoon
WHY: Ginny needs a workout and Teddy needs company.
STATUS: Incomplete

Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming )
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