12th Feb, 2010



ladies - gentlemen - stock )

11th Feb, 2010


Keira Knightley :: 209 Icons (The Princess of Thieves)

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If my father hangs, I will never speak to you again!  )
#1-209 Keira Knightley in The Princess of Thieves.

This came out in 2001, but was filmed the year before when Keira was 15. She played the lead role of Robin Hood's daughter. This might have been the first thing I ever saw her in, and as a child I absolutely loved her. I wanted to be her, so very much. There was much plotting to overthrow the Sheriff of Nottingham after this.
Also, I don't think I've seen icons of her in this anywhere... and. I felt like being nostalgic.

10th Feb, 2010


Ravens :: 20 Icons

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quoteth the raven, nevermore . )
#1-20 Raven Icons.

Ever had a random urge to icon ravens? No? Well, that puts you amongst the normal side of the population, but I did. I don't know who would want these, maybe someone plays Poe or the Raven, or a shapeshifter, even. Hell, you could probably use them as light messenger birds. Spies. Any number of things.


Owls :: 64 Icons

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a night in the sun is all I really want )
#01-64 Owl Icons.

Various breeds of owl for your icon pleasure. Useful for any number of things, including HP games. For those who want Hedwig icons, please note that the snowy owls with speckled feathers are actually the females, they used males in the movies because... well I suppose they think pure white is prettier? But, seriously, what is NOT cute about the speckled ones?


Wolves :: 39 Icons

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he was waitin' for a bus in his army greens... )
#1-39 Wolf Icons.

These could be used by people who rp wolves or werewolves, skinwalkers, whatever floats your boat.


Suggestions & To-Do List

If you have a suggestion to who/what I should icon, make banners of, tables, whatever, tell me here. If it is graphics of someone, please include a working link to a gallery. If it's a theme, animals or whatever, please tell me what you want exactly and if you can, include links.

Basically, tell me as much as you can about what you think I should do, include links if it's images and remember that I might not get around to it right away if I do it. This is just suggestions.


  • Keira Knightley [The Duchess, The Princess of Thieves, PotC, King Arthur, Pride and Prejudice]
  • Rachel Hurd-Wood [An American Haunting, Perfume]
  • Michelle Trachtenberg [Gossip Girl, Beautiful Ohio]
  • Alona Tal
  • Kate Winslet [Titanic, Hamlet, Quills, Sense and Sensibility, Jude, Eternal Sunshine, The Holiday, All the Kings Men]
  • Frog, Rat, Mouse, Cat, Dog themed icons.
  • Hugs, lovers, sex themed icons.

Things in italics are in progress, things in bold are ones I want to start soon.

9th Feb, 2010


Lonneke Engel :: 76 Icons

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light up, light up, as if you have a choice... )

#1-76 Lonneke Engel Icons.


Barbara Meier :: 29 Icons

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tend to me with frozen lips )
#1-29 Barbara Meier Icons.