October 15th, 2010

[info]serefawcett in [info]veritas_rp

Who: Ron Weasley, Serena Fawcett, Fred Weasley
Where: The WWW
When: October 15th 2005
What: Fred finds out about Ron and Serena's history. Things to do not go over well.

I can hardly hear you say, 'what should i do', well you choose )

[info]megsy in [info]veritas_rp

Who: Everyone
What: Bridging the Gap Event!
Where: Jones' Books
When: 2-4p, Oct 15
Rating: PG-13

Megan had spent the past several weeks preparing for this event, and it showed. The shop had gone through a serious make over to prepare. A giant screen hung outside the shop, elevated so everyone stuck outside could see. A large table inside sagged under the weight of dozens of copies of Natalie Thompson's book, Bridging the Gap: Making a Wizard-Muggle Marriage Work. Another held a plethora of baked goods and a few beverages for patrons. And the final table hosted the author herself, where she sat signing copies until it was time to give her speech.

The line of people, Megan was gleeful to notice, extended out the door. She shuffled through the crowd, making sure everything was in order, cheering up the bored-looking security that had been hired to work the event to the best of her ability.

Finally, it was time for the author to speak. "Excuse me everyone!" Megan's voice boomed over the crowd as she held her wand to her throat. "Thank you so much for coming out! At this time, we're going to ask everyone to take their seats." She allowed for a brief shuffling about, before speaking again. "As you know, we have an amazing guest with us this afternoon. Her book, Bridging the Gap, has been on the best-seller's list for several weeks, and Jones' Books is very excited to host her today. Please join me in welcoming Natalie Thompson!"