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Thursday, November 13th, 2008

    Time Event
    Vid Recs Posted in November, Part 4

    Original poster: par_avion

    Vid Recs Posted in November, Part 4

    [x] such_heights: Recs of Yay!:Glorious [Rose, Martha, Donna] by rhoboat. Epic does not even BEGIN. This is entirely perfect and shiver-inducing and wow - oh Rose, oh Martha, oh Donna. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. Scattered [Tenth Doctor] by di_br, to 'Map of the Problematique'. Oh man, you should have seen me after I watched this through for the first time, I was the living embodiment of flail. Oh, Ten, you and your epic cosmic angst will be sorely missed. And also Shine by humansrsuperior, which is just SO HAPPY after the angst of the previous two. Pushing Daisies vids: Angel With An Attitude and Modern Nature by charmax, and Open Your Eyes by di_br all capture the joy of the show so well. And so pretty! ♥ SGA vids: 2 atoms in a molecule by zoetrope - this is so neat, with animation and arty bits and so on! There's even a singalong section. Grace Kelly and I Won't Say I'm In Love [John/Rodney] by dkwilliams - two classic examples of 'you're using what song now?' that work absolutely beautifully and fill me with yay. *

    [x] c'est dur de mourir au printemps - oh dear: started watching merlin, even though i didn't want to at first... the promo pics didn't convince me at all. but the vids did... well, & now i actually love it to pieces enjoy it. it's fun, it's slashy and magic-y (which is always nice), it's got anthony head, a hot arthur plus a cute, dorky merlin. & there are cgi-dragons & such... which makes everything even more fun ;) bitch prince by wistful_fever. 'i'm a little bit of everything, all rolled into one' - oh yess. this is it! arthur/merlin... merlin is such a cute kid & arhur is a total bitch. but no worries, he is an angel underneath ;) (or at least, that's what merlin thinks). 10'000 nights by mamoru22. 'you're irresistable & i'm insatiable' - some more arthur/merlin, oh that cute, dorky pairing, ♥ (i wonder if you call it marthur or maybe arlin, *lol*) a bouncy, sweet vid, very wonderful.

    [x] boom_queen: SPN, SGA, BSG and other vid recs: SPN: Proofpudding- Epic Love Story. Such a perfect job of capturing every moment of delight and wonder and affection and LOVE between them. Gembat- Runs in the Family. A very intense and well-crafted vid! Deirdre-C -Be My Yoko Ono. Funny and perfect beat-work as always. SGA: Clucking Belles- Stress. I've rewatched this like a MILLION times. Sol-Se- Red Moon. A John/Ronon vid with so many great parallels drawn between their experiences/losses as soldiers. Diana Williams- I Wish I Could Go Back to Atlantis. Funny and sweet gen vid. Wistful_fever - Four Years. Put on your slash-goggles! BSG: Nicole-Anell- Electrical Storm. A visually lush and achey vid about how Sam was made for Kara. Really amazing editing and narrative in this one. Sabaceanbabe- Blue On Black. Slow, gorgeous and emotional--pure awesomeness. Canadiangirl_86- Liar. An angsty and beautiful vid about Adama/Roslin, Lee/Kara, Baltar, and the Final Four. Jarrow - Paul McCartney. And this vid is so adorable and dance-able!

    [x] Camerado - A trio of recs for your Wednesday: First, kassrachel's vid Old Brown's Daughter is - well, I stink at describing vids, but it's just so clever and heart-twisty and lovely, and it has the added bonus of Great Big Sea.

    [x] kuwdora: Rahmabama-ding-dong + vid recs: Girlfriend, Chuck/Casey by durantia42. We've all seen Avril Lavgine for slash vids, um, but let me say that I've never seen a better use of bumper tapping utilized in a video before. I might've peed myself laughing, too. I think this is (and not just because it's new and shiny and fun) one of my more favorite versions of this vid. Something to Talk About, Chuck/Casey, as done by heatheneyes. Um, this vid pretty much pwns. Um, Chuck/Casey pretty much pwns. eeeeee! I have seen the Chuck/Casey light, you guys. I'm sorry it took me so long. Another vid that has totally helped me feel a little fluffy and good and gleeful is Fabella's Arthur/Merlin vid Bitch. I've never seen the show, but oh dear god, the gay, and the jackassery of Arthur is SO CLEAR here. AH, just the clips-- Arthur being a tease, not wearing anything in between, him just being a prick. The show looks absolutely adorable and hey--I saw King Giles in there! Awesome. *clutches vid* My happy!

    [x] Must you pistol whip everyone, Emmett? - Vid rec: This Is Matrix Life: This Is Matrix Life (Matrix trilogy) by mranderson71 -- This isn't a new vid and I know many on my flist have probably seen (and recommended!) it ages ago. I'm not much of a Matrix fan (still haven't seen the last movie) and saw the vid for the first time at Vividcon in August and just got around now to leaving feedback...thus the very late rec. But it's so awesome that I can't NOT plug it, late or not, on the off-chance that someone who hasn't seen it already will read this. Such a perfect balance of dry humor, musicality and effects so well-chosen that I'm not even sure whether or not some things are effects or already in the source (which is ideal effect usage in my eyes)...masterful editing and fun to boot.

    [x] sunryse00: Merlin Slash Vids: 10,000 Nights by mamoru22. OMG it doesn't get any better than this. Those two crazy kids at their dysfunctional best. Only In My Mind by lightofshadows6. this vid just makes me all warm and fuzzy. I love Merlin/Arthur. The editing is tight using the subtext and chemistry these two characters bring to the screen. It just has the best of the show all condensensed into a little over two minutes. Let Me Be Myself by bleu4bleu. This vid is what happens when you take some of the cutest Arthur scenes, add Merlin being Merlin, with a touch of the domineering royal father, and even when Merlin isn't doing anything but standing there you can't help but love him. Can I just say I love Bradley James at his most awesome making Arthur just the cutest prince eva. This vid is just made of goodness. Codeword: Chapstick by sajee82. use of a song I've seen. The Bitch Prince by wistful_fever. While I'm not crazy about the song it's by fabella and it's Merlin. 'nuff said.

    [x] obsessive24: vid rec - merlin: I pretty much fell down dead with joy when I found out that wistful_fever is into Merlin and is working on a vid. And, being the speedster that she is, it's already up, and as to be expected from her it's GLORIOUS. It's exactly what you'd expect from a Arthur/Merlin vid: semi-ridiculous conceptually (in the most positive, glitter-and-love-filled sense) yet somehow terribly right at the same time, hits all the sweet spots and of course extremely, extremely gay. The Bitch Prince, Merlin/Arthur. WIN!!!!!!

    [x] The True Story of Matilda Sweetfuck - A half cannot truly hate that which makes it whole. Or: Merlin/Arthur Recs to Soothe the Sappy Soul: Merlin/Arthur VIDS: 10,000 Nights by mamoru22. Great intro vid! Cute, bouncy, and full of rampant subtext. The song -- and the vid -- will be stuck in your head for weeks. The Bitch Prince by wistful_fever. Just posted! You see, Prince Arthur is a bitch. He's a lover. He's a child, he's a mother. Who knew? wistful_fever knew. This vid is a lot of fun, veering between insightful and unapologetic crack with style.

    [x] destina: On Veterans Day: Every Veterans Day, I make myself cry with vagabondage's vid 1916. What really touches me about the vid is the reminder that there are millions of men and women buried across the world whose sacrifices, and names, have been forgotten. And I think that makes it all the more important to honor the sacrifices of those who are still with us.

    This is an inclusive newsletter: I attempt to include all of the vid recs that I find. It is not, however, exhaustive. If you have suggestions for particular communities or journals to watch (particularly ones that use tags) or are interested in helping to collect links, please let us know.

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