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Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

    Time Event
    Vid Recs posted in October, Part 7

    Original poster: par_avion

    I keep thinking that I'm done with October, and then I find more recs. Here's some more, with some from September for good measure.

    Vid Recs Posted in October

    [x] The Wanderings and Ramblings - Fandom on Fandom: Hey guys, I (or my journal, the tiger meta, rather) unknowingly ended up in a SPN fandom vid (a fanvid about fandom) a couple of times. It debuted at Winchestercon this past weekend. Wow, am I a dork or what? Also, my fellow flister-fangirls, kentawolf and erinrua, are in the vid, too. Thanks to maharet83 for the heads-up. You can leave comments for the vidder here.

    [x] boom_queen: Vid recs (and a bit of angst): bop_radar just posted an AWESOME Gaius Baltar vid that really highlights both the humor and the evil of his ego-driven and schizophrenic character arc. Hip-hop vids ftw! kiki_miserychic posted an AMAZING S4 VID to Handlebars by Flobots back in June that I am just now bonding with. It explores how power, need and duty corrupt both humans and cylons in season 4 through some absolutely brilliant lyrical interpretations and editing. This vid packed even more of a punch for me than flummery's much-lauded use of Handlebars for a DW vid. dayln03 has a beautiful season 1 Veronica Mars character vid that is both warm/fuzzy and aaaaaangsty. Pure awesomeness.

    [x] Xina Marie Uhl - HAPPY SUPERNATURAL DAY!!!: To celebrate, here's a vid rec snagged from tahirire and janglyjewels (spoilers for all of Season 4 that's been aired already). It was made by maichan808 - comment on it here.

    [x] Xina Marie Uhl - Recs - Supernatural and Dark Angel: Supernatural: counteragent made this amazing vid about the show and fandom and women and it must have taken her a gojillion hours. Go and watch and flail - here.

    [x] Xina Marie Uhl - Fic & Vid Recs - Supernatural/Dark Angel and Dark Angel: Dark Angel Vid Recs: 20th Century Boy by crazywritinfool Summary: Transgenic Action Alec--he's your toy, your 20th century boy. Well, 21st century, but who's counting? All Alec, practically every frame. Beware! Your ovaries may explode from his gorgeousness. Girlfriend by bunniqula Summary: Alec thinks Logan needs a new girlfriend... as long as that 'girlfriend' is him. (Logan/Alec and Logan/Max) Gratuitous use of balls, sticks, Jensen Ackles' mouth and other phallic and sexual innuendo. A clever, upbeat slashy vid that made me smile.

    [x] oxoniensis: They make me happy, that's why: Two Supernatural vids to watch: Be My Yoko Ono by deirdre_c and Born Under A Bad Sign by proofpudding. Good stuff!

    [x] misty_writes: epic love story: Ugh, I was trying to get started on a book review that's due tomorrow (on a book I haven't read, wahhh), but then I watched this music video. BRB CRYING. Oh, SamnDean, why do you do this to me. T__T [edit] Here is a nice Wincestuous Sam/Dean video to cheer you up.

    Recs from September 2008

    [x] Xina Marie Uhl - Castiel Recs - Comm, Vid, & Fic: Vid: gembat made a wonderful Castiel vid here. I love the style and the song and of course the visuals.

    [x] Ran away and joined the circus -: I think most of you have seen this Sam/Dean vid but I'm posting it anyway. Whenever anyone uses Sarah McLachlan's music I'm basically sold. This is SAM/DEAN *g*

    [x] kittyzams: 'cause i love you more than i could ever promise: AWWWWWW! If you need a heart-happy moment go watch this Sam-n-Dean vid by killabeez. I was sad-faced because I thought it was f-locked and I couldn't share it with you but I just found out she posted it here, too! SO GO. If you do not feel your heart schmooping in your chest by the time it's finished then I am convinced YOU ARE A ROBOT. That is all. <333!!!

    [x] I Need To Be Under Your Skin - SPN vid rec: So, if you haven't seen amazing wincest vid by proofpudding, - run and download it. Wonderful vid. And now the vid's song "Centrefolds" by Placebo is eating my brain.

    [x] I Need To Be Under Your Skin - SPN vid rec:Okay, one more vid I want to rec. It's wincest, coz what else would I rec ya?)) The vid is amazing and you should totally see it. It's Stanford' time, you might take the vid as AU but for me it's the canon. As the result: I enjoyed beautiful song '9 Crimes' by Damien Rice & Lisa Hannigan (one of my faves), I loved every piece of the vid, and my bleeding wincestish heart was on the plate.Thanks to liv_niggle for the great job.

    [x] I Am Establishing A Position On The Internet - it's a bird! it's a plane! it's a politician!: Another thing that is awesome about meeting voiceofkiki: she ends up giving you links to the greatest things ever, including--but not limited to--a vid set to Holding Out For Hiro, the greatest Heroes filk ever, and one of the greatest vids ever. How great is it? I am actually excited about Heroes again. Yeah. Bitch yeah.

    [x] Reality Is For Those Who Lack Imagination - Rec: SGA: 2 Atoms In A Molecule by zoetrope. Pairing: John/Rodney. Summary: 2 atoms in a molecule (or Why John Sheppard is an Emotional Simpleton) *pumps fist in the air* The kick ass sequel/companion to the awesome 'Absolutely Cuckoo' vid that I made my 2 year old nephew watch the other day (he loved it). [info]zoetrope is in a league of her own when it comes to vids, check it out:)

    [x] torchwood_house: VID: Robot Heart by kel_reiley: Robot Heart by kel_reiley. Song/Artist: Sort of a Protest Song by Matthew Good Band. There are lots of fics which examine the results of the events of 'Exit Wounds' on Jack; this vid does something I've wanted to see for a long time -- it provides that examination in a gorgeous and eloquent visualization. Elegantly showing us the connections between the moments of Jack's life as well as his most precious relationships, and how they've all led him to this point, kel_reiley uses the repetition of like images to communicate a staggering sense of weight and the passage of time. The song is an excellent choice for Jack, and this vid absolutely does it justice, giving us a window into Jack's immortality, and the shattering burden of all his history.

    [x] torchwood_house: Vid: Torch Bears, by samantharichter: Torch Bears by samantharichter. Song/Artist: The Gummi Bears Theme sung by The Brown Derbies. This is a combination that most people would take one look at and think, "Oh come on! That'll never work." But it does. Somehow, the clips and cuts fit together with the song to provide us a G rated version of Torchwood. It's funny, it's cute, it's probably fluffy, but it's so worth a viewing... or two or three. Vidders appreciate your comments! Feel free to let them know if you liked their work.

    This is an inclusive newsletter: I attempt to include all of the vid recs that I find. It is not, however, exhaustive. If you have suggestions for particular communities or journals to watch (particularly ones that use tags) or are interested in helping to collect links, please let us know.

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