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Wednesday, November 5th, 2008

    Time Event
    Vid Recs posted in October (Part 5)

    Original poster: par_avion

    Vid Recs posted in October, Part 5

    [x] unlovablehands: tender lumplings everywhere: Here, have some thematic videos: Goodnight Moon (Heroes), by bradcpu. Zombie Jamboree (multi-fandom), by giandujakiss. From comments: sol_se's Halloween (Heroes).

    [x] torchwood_house: Vid: Silent Night, by Silent Night by Song/Artist: Damien Rice's Silent Night. Jack/Jack. I would not have believed a video of one episode, to a slow song of less than two minutes, could move me so much, but it does. The only fanvid I've seen done in such a heartbreaking, desolate style, the mix of black-and-white and colour, with the constant fade-ins and outs, manages to capture the emotion of loss and regret of the episode so well. Even if you aren't a vid-watcher, watch this. You will be impressed. Vidders appreciate your comments! Feel free to let them know if you liked their work.

    [x] torchwood_house: Vid: Who Does Jack Really Want?, by clarityisback: Who Does Jack Really Want? by clarityisback. So, who does Jack really want? This vid poses the question and answeres it! The visuals and audio are excellent and the song choices (there are multiple) are poignant, hilarious and often both. The musical choice for the Ianto section is hilarious for it's cheesiness. I think clarityisback got it right on the nose when they answered this question. A fun vid to watch.

    [x] torchwood_house: Vid: Song to Save a Life by thedivinegoat: Song to Save a Life by thedivinegoat. Song/Artist: These Are the Songs by Amy Wadge. Torchwood and Doctor Who are both about families; in this one, we see Jack's family - not the one he was born with, but the one he's found along the way. I love the way the metaphor of songs works through this vid; we all know our lives' little soundtracks: the songs that raised us, the characters who befriended us, the daydreams and fancies that keep us alive. [info]thedivinegoat takes this musical metaphor and applies it to Jack's chosen family, so while it's about the relationships that save Jack's life, it's also a subtle little love letter to fandom -- which does the same for so many of us. It's hard not to smile; it's also hard not to get a little choked up as you watch the kind of vidding that looks effortless even though it's so obviously not.

    [x] crack_van: VID REC: Supernatural - Windowsill: Windowsill by sweetestdrain. Musical artist: Arcade Fire. Because SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM. Ahem. Sorry. But especially with the emotional storyline focusing so much on Dean in the past season or so, a vid like this, which does such a beautiful job of showing us everything Sam's been through, and everything he's struggling with, and everything he's lost, and how hard he's trying anyway, pretty much reduces me to SAAAAAAAAAM. (With some bonus DEEEEEEAN and JOOOOOHN on the side.) And it is, of course, gorgeously made—we showed this last year at a con to a room full of mostly non-SPN fans, and a lot of them commented afterward on being moved by it. Just a brilliant, brilliant vid.

    [x] crack_van: VID REC: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - I'll Be There: I'll Be There by millylicious. Musical artist: Duran Duran. I'm going to shock you by not reccing something Xander-focused, but it's for a good reason. The thing that draws me most to Buffy the Vampire Slayer isn't the witty dialogue or the ass-kicking or the clever use of horror tropes as metaphors for life issues. It's the Scoobies. They love each other, support each other, take one another for granted. At times, each and every one of them has been foolish or selfish, but they forgive one another and come back together. They're a family and a team, and I love that about them. This video captures all of that by looking at Buffy's burden and how it is shared by Giles, Willow, and Xander. I think it's lovely. Go. Watch. Love. Tell the vidder.

    [x] crack_van: Vid Rec: Please Forgive Me by Mya Scarlet: Please Forgive Me by Mya Scarlet. Musical Artist: David Gray. Anakin/Obi-Wan. I’ll admit right up front that I’m not big on fanvids. No offense meant to those who create them – they’re just not my personal cup of tea, regardless of the characters/pairing involved. That said, it takes something rather special and/or highly recommended for me to take a look. And that’s exactly what this vid rec is. The things I especially liked about this were all the cross-cuts and fades, beautifully blended with the music. The vidder also chose a song that really, really works well with the scenes she uses. I also appreciate that as someone who quite enjoys Anakin/Obi-Wan but does not primarily ship them, the vid can be viewed through both a slash and a gen point of view.

    [x] crack_van: Vid Rec: Friday Night Lights, New Slang, The Shins: New Slang by Obsessive24. Musical Artist: The Shins. Tim Riggins/Lyla Garrity/Jason Street. I didn't rec any Jason/Lyla/Tim fic because I knew at the end of the month I could point you to this vid. FNL gives us all the OT3 we could ever need and Obsessive24 puts it together beautifully. New Slang, The Shins.

    This is an inclusive newsletter: I attempt to include all of the vid recs that I find. It is not, however, exhaustive. If you have suggestions for particular communities or journals to watch (particularly ones that use tags) or are interested in helping to collect links, please let us know.

    Many thanks to [info]thedivinegoat for telling me about the community [info]torchwood_house. It's primarily a fic community (which means it's not on my radar) but they also do vid recs. Yay, vid recs!

    Also, we have a new affiliate! [info]spn_sceneit is a resource community for all Supernatural vidders.

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