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Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

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    Vid Recs Posted in October (Part 3)

    Original poster: par_avion

    Vid Recs Posted in October, Part 3

    [x] One Woman Revolution - Some Vid Recs: Nobody Sees by seduff. It's a brilliant little coda to the fourth season of Who comprised of bits of Billie Piper and David Tennant movies/shows. Edited seamlessly and very believably. Sunrise by nessephanie. Nana meets Honey and Clover. There are so few AMVs that are true character studies and this one nails it. It draws beautiful parallels between the lives of Ayumu, Hagu, Nana. Jam Sports by atio. It's a combination of sports anime, actual sports, and Michael Jackson. I know what you're thinking right now- "I like absolutely none of those things," but trust me. I don't like them either and I like this vid. And I've seen very, very few vids that can blend live action and anime as seemlessly as this one does. And I've never seen a vid set to actual sports before. Far Away by scoobrooks. A Nodame Cantabile live action vid made from the specials. The vid is well made and sad in parts. someone has actually made a vid for the show, a good vid! This fills me with joy.

    [x] Must you pistol whip everyone, Emmett? - Vid rec: OMG!: OMG! (Doctor Who/Torchwood) by obsessive24 -- Heaps of shiny, clever fun! And she took some unwanted DJ voiceovers in the song and managed to use them so ingeniously that they make the vid even better.

    [x] Musings - Fanfic recs: Iron Man: Now that the dvd is there, we get even better vids. Check out lcsbanana's Dilaudid! It's fabulous.

    [x] Alchemy without Moles: And so does Killa, who has never made a vid I didn't like. This is a lovely throwback to my Highlander days, and it treats Duncan, Amanda, and Methos all very well. Speaking of vids, fialka posted a lovely Life vid about Dani Reese, and I highly recommend it.

    [x] superduperkc - let's break it down: Descent by aj2k, The Crow. This video is unbelievable. It combines comic book images with film footage and contrasts Eric and Shelly's beautiful relationship with the violence in the movie so, so well. The editing is out of this world. New Soul by buffyann, Edward Scissorhands. The perfect song for this offbeat fairytale and fantastic editing. (What else should we expect from her?) Just perfect.

    [x] K's Journal - Smallville vid rec: Need something to watch while you wait for Smallville to download? Feeling the need of a Clex-injection mid-Season 8? I recommend bananainpyjamas (aka dragonchic)'s Intergalactic Friends. :D It's like doing a SHOT of Clex, I swear. Or maybe 10 shots in quick succession...

    [x] What's the point of a revolution without general copulation? - I am absolutely gleeful: I am absolutely gleeful about this Smallville vid by bananainpyjamas. Clark and Lex, terrific fun.

    [x] kassrachel: Vid rec omg: If you like vids, or if you like Smallville, or especially if you like them both at once, run don't walk to see bananainpyjamas' new vid "Intergalactic Friends," which is made to a mashup of the Beastie Boys' "Intergalactic" and the Dandy Warhols' "We Used to Be Friends," and which totally knocked my socks off. liviapenn posted some really smart commentary on the vid, including thoughts on the impact and effect of using a comic book visual style (screen split into panels, etc.) and on how the tension between the two audio sources mirrors the tension of watching the show. One fascinating thing for me, as a watcher of this vid, is how the use of the Dandy Warhols track makes me think immediately of Veronica Mars -- another fandom with an iconic high school. But this isn't about Chloe; this is all-Clex, all-the-time, the sweet parts and the painful, and I just -- damn.

    [x] liviapenn: Two vid recs: "Stunna Glasses" and "Intergalactic Friends": Intergalactic Friends (Smallville) by dragonchic. set to a mashup of the Beastie Boys' "Intergalactic" and the Dandy Warhols' "We Used To Be Friends." I really love vids set to remixes and mashups-- given *even more* levels and complexity in their audio source, good vidders can do amazing things. I've seen it used before to denote POV/subject changes, like in shati's Buffy vid to "Boulevard of Broken Songs" or destina and barkley's multifandom vid to the "Boulevard of Broken Songs" dance remix, but "Intergalactic Friends" takes the remix aspect of the audio to a really different, unique place. it's just *so* deft. The way the audio ducks and weaves back and forth between the two songs is used *so* perceptively- the tension between the two songs is the everpresent stress in Clark and Lex's relationship, the push and pull between their friendship and their destiny, always lurching this way and that, always at one extreme or the other- hate and love, self-sacrifice and manipulation [MORE]

    [x] liviapenn: Two vid recs: "Stunna Glasses" and "Intergalactic Friends": Stunna Glasses (Invisible Man) by talitha78. Talitha's been branching out from Smallville lately into different fandoms, and has now posted vids for Psych, Eureka, Invisible Man and The OC-- and I hope these bring more attention & new eyes to her work, because it's just so great. If you're an Invisible Man fan, you're probably already downloading Stunna Glasses, because hey! An IMan vid! So, now I'm just going to talk about Talitha's vids in general ... she's made several vids that are very accessible to SV fans who drifted out sometime in S2. Cobrastyle (Lex/AWESOMENESS) and Faster Kill Pussycat (Chloe/Lana) ... her style is a really interesting mix of old-school and modern trends. Her vids are very reminiscent of old-school shippy vids-- very focused on the characters, few effects or transitions, predominantly close-ups or middle-ground shots. And the modern aspect is the speed, the very quick cuts and short clips-- almost creating a collage effect-- and also the song choice. [MORE]

    [x] superduperkc - she names them all herself.: I wanted to rec this Big Love video that amathela recced to me a while back. It's called They and is by xandra_ptv and it's just fantastic. If you've ever watched this show or even ever heard of it, you should check it out. It's perfect and lighthearted and serious and amazing. Lately it's probably been one of my most-watched vids from my favorite fan vids folder. And have I mentioned that I can't wait for this show to come back? Because I really can't.

    [x] superduperkc - rec: calling all bsg fans: Insta-rec: bop_radar's new Baltar vid, Clint Eastwood. So awesome. I've watched it like four times already. Every Baltar fan will love the hell out of it. Damn, so good!

    [x] Down The Rabbit Hole - Drive By vid rec: frivolity65 just posted her vidukon premiere vid, and if you love or can handle emotionally moving and visually disturbing vids, then you HAVE TO SEE IT! The vid is for Black Hawk Down and it doesn't pull any punches, it shows very clearly how ugly and devastating war and combat can be. Wonderful work!

    [x] [some kind of title] - Vid Rec: OMG! (Doctor Who/Torchwood): OMG! by obsessive24 (Doctor Who/Torchwood) This video is brilliant! She wanted to make a video about the companions, but apparently, the only version of the song that she could find had a DJ cutting in every now & then--"not to mention the American guy sounds all cocky and kinda gay, and…" HEE. The use of Jack & Torchwood is so clever. Talk about getting handed a lemon and making lemonade! I love her brain right now. So much fun. *g* This video put a huge smile on my face.

    This is an inclusive newsletter: I attempt to include all of the vid recs that I find. It is not, however, exhaustive. If you have suggestions for particular communities or journals to watch (particularly ones that use tags) or are interested in helping to collect links, please let us know.
    Vid Recs Posted in October (Part 4)

    Original poster: par_avion

    Vid Recs Posted in October, Part 4

    [x] What's the point of a revolution without general copulation? - A holiday-themed vid rec (Heroes): Halloween, by sol_se. Sylar and his costume. Really perceptive and spooky.

    [x] [some kind of title] - Happy Halloween & A Vid Rec!: Vid Rec: Zombie Dance by mamoru22. This is a multi-movie vid consisting of horror films I've never heard of. And it is AWESOME. Her editing has a great sense of humor. Killing zombies set to Queen music! You cannot go wrong here. I will repeat her warning, though, that it is quite gory. So, you've been warned.

    [x] kiki_miserychic: recs: danegen's Used to Love Him (Heathers)- The dark tone of the movie and the sick fun comes through in the vid. The editing is organic. destina's To Touch The Face of God (multi)- A love letter that I feel honored to have watched. greensilver's Four Seasons in One Day (Heroes)- There's so much that happened to him and in the end, I feel that he's a good man. this vid feels like it goes deeper than the surface to bring out Nathan. keewick's 32 (SGA)- Oh. The concept makes me breathless, while the editing breathes life back in. meivocis's Karma Police (Life on Mars)- Great editing to the bass and drums of the music with cool effect. millylicious's LDN (Dark Angel)- Very enjoyable vid that uses the lyrics with the perfect level of tongue-in-cheek. obsessive24's OMG! (Doctor Who/Torchwood)- Excellent framing device and editing. The facial expression and movement are pure joy. talitha78's Summer Love (The O.C.) - OMG, I can't stop laughing. There is so much geniusly funny seriousness.

    [x] cinema. sex. politics... vidding. - recs: aycheb's Silence (Minority Report)- Spectacular movement and use of source. balistik94's Pulse (Crank)- I want to go to a bar with this vid, get hammered, and regret it in the morning. bop_radar's Clint Eastwood (BSG)- Quirky editing with great musicality and character expression. buffyann's Starlight (Multi)- Spot on cutting to create interplay between the three dance movies with a structure that creates one fluid storyline. charmax's Smiley Faces (Torchwood)- Very creative credits and a vid that's sparkly fun and energetic. charmax's Tanglewood Tree (Fingersmith)- Amazing follow through of motion and tension built up with the music and the editing. cherryice's Ghosts (House)- The fractured storytelling is really brought out by the jumpcuts, reversing, and interplay within the clips. cherryice's What We Had (Doctor Who)- There's such balance in this vid, which is a counterpoint to the inbalance portrayed in the vid. counteragent's Still Alive (Supernatural)- Too awesome for words.

    [x] selenak: On doctors of all persuasions and superheroes: There are songs I connect to specific vids, and so a vid using the same song automatically has an inner hurdle to overcome. "Clint Eastwood" is such a song, because sisabet did an absolutely fantastic vid based on the Buffy episode Restless (but using the entire show for the developments of the four characters) a couple of years ago. And yet this vid about Gaius Baltar by bop_radar completely managed to overcome my viewer problem. It captures the comedy and the tragedy, the insane and oddly compelling journey of the BSG storyline I tend to call Life of Gaius throughout the show. (Gaius Baltar: least likely character to fall for - I mean, I loved Roslin right from the start, wasn't surprised to go from finding Six compelling to loving her, and given my thing for Albee-like relationships wasn't suprised to take to Tigh and Ellen, either, but I never expected Baltar to sneak up on me the way he did.)

    [x] what would nyxie do? like jesus, only with more p0rn - What Day Is It Again?: In celebration, here, have a pretty awesome Sam vid! "It's All in Your Hands", vidded by secretlytodream. It's in the spirit of Season 4, I think :) *begins countdown to show* Posted on Oct. 30th, 2008 at 11:21 am | Link | Leave a comment | Add to Memories | Tell a Friend | Track This | Flag Comments [info]iyalode Oooh. Awesome vid. Am going out tonight and so must wait *weeps*

    [x] aethel: Found: a quirky little Xena/due South vid: Found: a quirky little Xena/due South vid by f1renze. Features Fraser in drag and Joxer's flamboyantly gay brother.

    [x] wisteria_: I ain't happy, I'm feelin' glad. And lovin' Boppy!: Since I first saw BSG after the Mini, I've been nagging saying that I'd love a Baltar/Six vid to "Clint Eastwood" by Gorillaz. Well, the truly magnificent bop_radar finally made the vid! And it's fabulous! If I didn't already love Boppy to itty bitty pieces, this would cement that adoration. Even if you're not into the pairing, do go watch it and tell her how great it is. :)

    [x] frogspace: Recs: SPN, NCIS, Highlander, Merlin, Merlin, Merlin :-): suzvoy scheint eine Ein-Personen-Kampagne zu führen, die sich verschworen hat, mich bis Samstag von einem Wölkchen zum nächsten hüpfen zu lassen. Erst kam gestern das einfach perfekt zu Merlin/Arthur passende Vid Different Kind of Wonderful (Download-Links in zwei verschiedenen Größen). Squeeeeee!!! Sollte sich jeder ansehen, den das Fieber auch nur ansatzweise erwischt hat. (Summary: It's not the most romantic relationship in the world. But it's them.)

    [x] What's the point of a revolution without general copulation? - More Vid Recs: One Song, Glory by dkwilliams. Torchwood. I normally don't like vids set to show tunes - I find show tunes to be very ... obtrusive ... in a way that distracts from the visuals. But this Jack vid worked for me and really captured the many sides of his character. Trophy, by 0mindthegap0. BtVS/Torchwood. Fantastically clever crossover. Displaced, by millylicious. Heroes. Heartbreaking examination of the development of Claire's powers. Your Honor, by kiki_miserychic. Weeds. Intriguing examination of Nancy's world with a fascinating, jerky cutting style. OMG, by obsessive24. Doctor Who/Torchwood. Terrifically fun, laugh-out-loud funny ode to the companions. And speaking of obsessive24, I should long ago have rec'd her Smallville vid, Freestyler. It's an entire vid about male penis anxiety. Well, that's how I read it. (And, btw, if you're looking for penis anxiety vids, there's always the classic Detachable Penis (Pros) [by Media Cannibals] and Enormous Penis (Farscape)) [by Hank].

    [x] [some kind of title] - [vid recs]: Edward Scissorhands: New Soul by buffyann. The song choice, editing, tone--all capture this quirky movie to perfection. The Crow: Descent by aj2k. An amazing blend of comic book images & film footage. House: Can't Always by queenzulu. House/Wilson, House/Foreman. I'm a big Foreman fan, so this video made me very happy indeed. Farscape: Venus by kazbaby. Sikozu/Scorpius. Torchwood/Doctor Who: Coin-Operated Boy by mischief89. Martha/Jack YAY! Supernatural: Still Alive by counteragent. Meta vid! This video is really about the SPN *fandom* more than the show. It's really quite amazing what she's done. Multi/Meta: While I'm reccing that video, it occurs to me that I don't think I ever formally recced counteragent's fantabulous Ode to Vidding Meta masterpiece, Destiny Calling. It's like my entire love of vidding bundled into one shiny 4 minute package. VIDS = JOY!

    [x] proofpudding: Two great tastes that taste great together.: SPN: Jesus Christ by astartexx. Haunting and heartbreaking. This is my all-time favorite vid, period. Protège Moi by charmax. Stunning. This has long been a favorite of mine, and I shall never tire of it. RPS: You're My Baby & Bohemian Like You by wistful_fever. J2. SO UNBELIEVABLY CUTE. The boys' genuine affection shines through. That's The Way Love Goes by wistful_fever. I don't even 'ship JC/Justin. But THIS. SO CUTE. Girls & Boys by obsessive24. Young Americans. I grin like the Cheshire cat the whole way through. Tension by wistful_fever. Life With Derek. Undeniably cute. LOVE THIS. The clips match the beat perfectly, and I adore the interlude. No Ordinary Love by foomatic. Lost&Delirious. Completely breaks my heart. The song fits so well, and the effects and edits astound me. Climbing Up The Walls by obsessive24. Unnerving and unflinching. The parallelism blows my mind. One Of A Kind by obsessive24. Heroes. Bloodshed, badassery, tick-tock watches, and confessions written in blood.

    [x] Supernatural Vid Recs - Vid rec: You Make It Real:You Make It Real by toodelicious. (Song by James Morrison). Character Study (Sam & Dean). Apart from the fact that this is a gorgeous song and one I absolutely love, toodelicious has done an amazing job of fitting this song so perfectly to the vid she's put together. The scenes are so well chosen and it show perfectly how Sam makes life real for Dean - how actually Dean relies on Sam and needs Sam, and there's so many vids showing this relationship in reverse it was great to watch one from the other perspective and one that was so well done too.

    [x] Supernatural Vid Recs - Vid rec: Iko Iko: Iko Iko by el1ie. (Song by Indigo Girls or Belle Stars). Because it's fast-paced action-filled damn good fun using lots of clips not generally seen lots of times already and all put together so well in a great package. Beware though - not only will you want to watch it over and over, you'll also get the song stuck in your head on loop for days =)

    [x] Supernatural Vid Recs - Vid rec: Walk the walk: Walk the Walk by proofpudding. (Song by Poe). Yet another wonderfully made vid by [info]proofpudding and one I could watch over and over again. Her use of colours in her vids is absolutely beautiful and her editing is so spot-on and seamless it's a joy to watch. The sliding transitions near the end worked so, so well - which isn't always the case in a lot of videos you see - and she uses clips not seen in lots of other videos. Plus it's wonderfully lighthearted in that it's a simple look at the boys without all the angst and darkness - lovely video =)

    [x] Supernatural Vid Recs - Vid rec: Insomnia: Insomnia by starrylizard. (Song by Faithless). It's full of only S1 one clips which makes you nostalgic for the monster-fighting of the old days - and the blend of fast and slow motion editing suits this song perfectly. So well put together - an excellent example of why they just can't get any sleep!

    This is an inclusive newsletter: I attempt to include all of the vid recs that I find. It is not, however, exhaustive. If you have suggestions for particular communities or journals to watch (particularly ones that use tags) or are interested in helping to collect links, please let us know.

    I realize that you may be thinking about other things today, but I needed the distraction. :)

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