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Saturday, November 1st, 2008

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    Vid Recs posted in October (Part 1)

    Original poster: par_avion

    Vid Recs posted in October (Part 1)

    [x] yokana_yanovick: Fanvids + Recs:Fanvids + Recs. Posteando para hacer una pequeña actualización en mi lista de fanvids!recs. Hoy como novedad, toca un Laura/Tory ¡Sí señor! Lo he visto en mi flist y no he podido dejar de añadirlo, porque de verdad que hay que reconocerle el mérito a la muchacha :D. Por aquí [I Want To Be Evil by beccatoria] os dejo el video en cuestión.

    [x] Short Attention Span Theatre presents... - Boredom-induced bullet-points...:Pointed out by neadods: Giggled over this DW vid. Nine and Ten vying for Rose's affections to 'Love Stinks'.

    [x] we're just imposters - Dear Vidders: Please refrain from posting awesome Buffy vids whilst I am desperately trying to make one. For example, Crashed by leviathan101. Just, stop. kthnx.

    [x] You are guests in my corn! - D'AWWWWWW.: I popped over to Hulu to watch the first episode of The O.C.. And I have this to say: PUPPIEEEEEEEEEEEEES! *smooshes Seth and Ryan* I admit I was totally primed for this by a Seth/Ryan VVC vid from this year (the vid is by talitha78, and you can find it here), which was the most adorable thing ever to adorable, and I am pleased to discover that they are equally adorable on the show

    [x] :frogspace: Ein gutes Wochenende für Slash: absrip hat ein neues Dean/Krycek Slash-Vid gepostet! So Hot (SPN/XF, Crossover). Als Download oder bei Youtube. Krycek betätigt sich als Stalker und Dean ist ... *guh* Dean Winchester is being Alex Krycek. Ich liebe diese Ficvids. Jetzt fehlt mir nur noch die passende Fanfic dazu.

    [x] c'est dur de mourir au printemps - lom rec, +1:life on mars. this is your life by cherryliz. & while i had to think of this is matrix life in the beginning, the awesomeness that is this vid quickly made me forget. it's sam & crazyness and jump-cuts & action-y things. & just... *guh* pretty! & since i'm already vid-reccing, one other (cause i can't make a post with just one vid rec). i finally started to watch life & i really love it, it's a pretty cool show so far - although i'm only up to episode 5, but still... so, a life rec. not that there seem to be many vids in this fandom, but the ones i've discovered are very awesome. life. i don't know by tzegha. a very strange, but absolutely great vid. it uses lots of dialogue (from the song, not the show), and creates a crazy, nervous atmosphere & still tells a complex story... beautiful.

    [x] All This Wandering Has Led Me to this Place - I prefer the term 'Intensive Uploading':Secondly vid recs! Spn_Be Mine by Melissa Sam+Dean from Sam's POV. A more light hearted look at Spn's Action: Spn_We Will Rock You by Melissa. And this vid is so well done that I had to find that song immediately and have it on repeat (after watching the vid numerous times) Spn_All That I Am by Lithium_doll

    [x] kuwdora: super insta vid rec: You Freak Me Out by croc_rocketfan. Sylar/Mohinder. *incoherent handflappy glee* Bouncy! Fun! Transitions! Sylar and Mohinder!! Lyrical associations that make me gurgle! OMG and the clips and the clips and the clips and the clips and the editing and the SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. *draws big squiggly hearts ALL OVER THE VID* and here's another vid rec: Precious by kaiyote. Angela/Sylar. Read the warnings. But it's great little vidlet. It's kinda like kaiyote was in my head and made the vid that I wanted to see. <3 I love it when people make vids that make me so happy! eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

    [x] Howling at the Sky - And the raincoat that you wore when it rained today / I think you only made it rain more:I go to bed every night thinking I could not love Prison Break fandom any more, and then I wake up and am proven wrong. Today's installment: sol_se's Gretchen/T-Bag (and Alex/Michael) vid, Brand New Key. My response is channeling Greg Proops, here (go to 6:10): "I'm just so happy."

    [x] Howling at the Sky - The Beginner's Guide to Michael/Mahone: Closer (by Nine Inch Nails) by Cherusha. Daydream in Blue (Mahone-centric) by cherusha. Mad About You by movie_camera (I have some caveats about this one since it's an AU, but I dig the song) Their Love Is So Name-y (one of my favorite things in the world) by sol_se.

    [x] The Taste of Insanity is Butter-Flavored - vid rec: Half-Jack is a definite must-see video for synecdochic's A Howling in the Factory Yard, edited by wyomingnot. I got freaking chills watching this. Go. Watch. NOW.

    [x] obsessive24: little britain, vid rec: Signed, the Doctor by hollywoodgrrl, Doctor Who. Spoilers for the end of season 4. Great concept and fantastic execution with gorgeous effects and some amazing external source. It strongly reminded me of lim's work, perhaps because of the watercolour effects but mostly due to how innovative it is, and I say that as a highest level of compliment.

    [x] [some kind of title] - vid recs: Doctor Who: Signed, the Doctor by hollywoodgrrl. The Doctor leaves a note. "He's selfish that way." (Major spoilers for 4x13). Life On Mars: Leave out all the rest by obfreak. Sam/Annie (♥ Annie ♥). Prison Break: Season 4 fan video by prisonbreakadictos/Mat (YouTube) Untitled. A short, general look at season 4 up to episode 3 (I think)--focusing on Michael, Alex, Sara, & Lincoln. The X-Files: Wires by pheobecolefan (YouTube) Mulder/Scully

    [x] A Dreamer's Paradise - Lost in Austen and other ramblings...: And now...a few vid recs. First up is veryval with a Wickham & Amanda piece "Crazy Chick". Then a homage to Amanda/Darcy from hitchchik "Torn". Lastly from spikesbint "How Can I Not Love You."

    [x] we're just imposters - Viddish Stuffs: I am ever struggling with better organization for my favorite vids. Today I decided to make a bunch of imeem playlists with as many favorite vids of mine as I could find on them. They are really handy because now I can watch favorite vids no matter what computer I'm at! I will always keep hard copies of my absolute favorite vids, but I'm really digging this system right now. Especially since imeem's interface and quality is so great. Check it out:

    [x] seperis: recs! i know! something not wiki related!: everything I know about Prison Break I learned from a.) svmadelyn b.) Like a Stone, sdwolfpup's vid (God the guh. The guh is legion. The guh owns me. Oh my God the wall touching) and c.) fannish osmosis.

    [x] [some kind of title] - 3 vid recs:Torchwood(/Doctor Who, through 4x13): The Truth is you should Lie with Me by xandra_ptv. Ianto/Jack. How did I miss this when it was posted?? This video may well have renewed my love for this pairing. I adore the way the Doctor Who footage is used here, particularly starting at 1:50. The Sopranos: Television, Television by f1renze (VVC premiere). Prison Break: The Game by [info]lady_m4ryjane. Is she not right? Is she insane? Gretchen is a hardcore badass. Do not fuck with her.

    [x] kuwdora: vid rec/squee/review: Changes Come by Vaeltaa (Sylar character study): Changes Come, vid by vaeltaa, music by Puscifer. Sylar + mommy issues = joy. I'm enamored by the way the effects work so well with the colors. I also adore the way vaeltaa delivers the narrative with a different point of view that's not the usual fare in Sylar vids. The vid also really plays up a certain creepiness that's not just the "kill, eat kill, murder!YAY" or the usual fluffy or angsty "Sylar loves Mohinder forever and ever, THE END" paradigms. It's different and refreshing and unsettling all at the same time. ... The musicality of the song makes me weak in the knees. I'm not so good at describing genres and styles of music, but the singer's voice has this sort of "everyman" sound (um, creepy "everyman"?) with the guitar strumming until the chorus starts. Folksy. Yet.. it's not folksy by any stretch of the imagination when the chorus comes into play and then we have the color at 0:58 with the eye shot from Homecoming. It gives me such goosebumps.

    This is an inclusive newsletter: I attempt to include all of the vid recs that I find. It is not, however, exhaustive. If you have suggestions for particular communities or journals to watch (particularly ones that use tags) or are interested in helping to collect links, please let us know.
    Recs posted in October, Part 2

    Original poster: par_avion

    Vid Recs Posted in October (Part 2)

    [x] obsessive24: vid recs: Sea Lion by halcyon_shift, SPN. Raw emotional power and AMAZING editing. I'm going to have to watch this multiple times before I can grasp the full extent of it. Masterful. Counting Bodies redux by millylicious, Angel&Connor. Been waiting for this. It retains all that was spine-tingling and amazing about the original (this was one of the first vids ever that made me completely fall off my chair in awe) but now it's so much tighter and cleaner, both in terms of execution and content, and arrgghh. I just have so much love for this vid. Intergalactic Friends by bananainpyjamas, Smallville. DC and Clark/Lex. Does it get better than that? I DON'T THINK SO. FABULOUS comic panels and insane musicality - I especially love how she visualises the synths. New Soul by buffyann, Edward Scissorhands. This is THE perfect vid for the movie. The editing is, for lack of a better word, completely delightful. You can't fault it at all - everything lands exactly the way that it feels it ought to.

    [x] laurashapiro: A rec and a request, both to do with time-travel: REC: OMG! - obsessive24's super-fantastic, hilarious, hug-filled Doctor Who companions video for the fucking win, baybee.

    [x] superduperkc - if lj dies before I can post this, someone's gettin' a throttling!: I recently watched the best Claire (LOST) character study I've ever seen. It's called My Skin and is by FadingSpark of YT and LVI. So many Claire vids tie her inextricably with Charlie, or are AU relationship centric (Desmond, Sawyer, Locke, Ethan, KATE, you name it.) But this is the first vid that I have seen that's ever done real justice to the character and all that she's been through. I'm trying to get my hands on a downloadable copy, but for now I'll have to settle for watching it on youtube. FadingSpark has done a number of Claire vids, and from viewing My Skin you can tell she really and truly loves the character. I'll link you to another vid of hers that I especially liked called Evening on the Ground it's Jack/Claire (that way, sort of?) and I love the song. She's done others for them as well.

    [x] cryptoxin: Catching up: Speaking of vids, a bunch of VidUKon premieres have been posted -- I'll just single out LithiumDoll's SPN vid Sea Lion as one of many really awesome vids.

    [x] hafital: things made of pure awesome: Awesome #1: I'm a bit embarrassed how often I've watched obsessive24's new Doctor Who companion vid of companion awesomeness OMG!. It's somewhere in the double digits. You don't have to be a fan of DW to enjoy. Be sure to read the notes.

    [x] Howling at the Sky - "You must be like the wolf pack, not a six-pack.": I spent all day ... surfing random YouTube videos (here's my rec for the day: The One, a William Fichtner Is Awesome vid),

    [x] rustydog: Good things: fandom edition: Doctor/Master vid: Gay Bar [by postal152] [DW s3 spoilers] ("The part of season three you missed: after killing one tenth of the world's population, the Master converts the Earth into a massive gay bar. Because he wants the Doctor. Jack is kind of okay with this.")

    [x] What's the point of a revolution without general copulation? - Vid Rec! (Highlander): Blackbirds by killabeez. It's sweet and sexy with great motion and over the top, wonderful storytelling. I don't want to say anymore for fear of spoiling the vid; but seriously, this was terrific fun.

    [x] Alchemy without Moles - Monday linkage: Fannishly, y'all need to watch counteragent's new SPN vid, which is all meta and squeeful and stuff. I'm still pondering my response to it, frankly, and I'd love to see someone smart like untrue_accounts talk about this vid and cesperanza's remarkably-similar SGA vid (similar thematically, I mean!) from VVC this past summer. Because I am having a hard time articulating my very different reactions to the two of them.

    [x] femmenerd: I am, as usual, drowning in work: Still Alive by counteragent - meta/SPN (fandom) - Here was my feedback: "You know, I'm not sure if I've ever seen anything like this, exactly. A vid that's meta-reflexive on a specific fandom. Very cool and very well done, and - though I have no way of actually confirming this myself - far more accessible to someone not in SPN fandom than I'd have thought possible given the subject matter and how v. in-joke (and in-wank, sigh) we can be."

    [x] laurashapiro: Insta-rec: "Still Alive" - SPN meta vid: Go here to admire counteragent's genius.

    [x] giandujakiss: Massive flaily OMG watch now vid rec! (SPN): counteragent just posted her beautiful, brilliant, and absolutely delightful SPN meta vid Still Alive. It's an examination of fandom as only counteragent can do it, and I swear to god, it brings tears to my eyes every time I see it. Watch now!

    [x] starrylizard: I can't believe I've never recced this!! O_O: Seriously, this is my favourite vid of all time. Filthy Mind By sol_se. Summary: A fandom free association, stream of consciousness. With dancing. This vid is made of awesome! The sheer number of fandoms and the way they flow from one to the other so flawlessly that you almost don't notice! It's... it left me speechless the first time I watched it! It's so artistic and I think it was the first time I realised how a "stream of consciousness" vid was supposed to work. I can't recommend this one enough! If you've yet to see it, what are you waiting for?? Go grab it now, tell her she rocks, and spread the multi-fandom awesome! \o/ Battlestar Galactica, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Alias, Carnivale, Dexter, Miracles, Smallville, Life On Mars, Interview with the Vampire, Lost, The X-Files, Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Silk Stocking, House, Rome, Due South, Harry Potter, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate SG-1, Farscape, Supernatural, Torchwood, Doctor Who, The 4400, The Cell, Firefly.

    [x] [some kind of title] - vid recs: 25% Sam, 75% Martha, 100% awesome: Stargate SG-1: I Wish I Was a Punk Rocker by kuwdora. All versions of Sam Carter rock. I have so much love for this video. The lyric interpretations are fantastic. Doctor Who/Torchwood: Become by in_the_bottle & jadesfire2808. The light doesn't blind you at all. It just helps you see. Martha, Martha/Doctor. The Trick Is To Keep Breathing by mischief89. Maybe you'll get what you want this time around. Oh Martha, I love you. Lost on the Battlefield by starrylizard. Now I'm tired and I want to go home. Episodic for the s3 finale (3x12/3x13). I absolutely adore this song choice for her. Martha is a soldier.

    This is an inclusive newsletter: I attempt to include all of the vid recs that I find. It is not, however, exhaustive. If you have suggestions for particular communities or journals to watch (particularly ones that use tags) or are interested in helping to collect links, please let us know.

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