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Friday, October 31st, 2008

    Time Event
    Vid Recs posted in September (Part 3)

    Original poster: par_avion

    [x] boom_queen: An insta-rec, my new obsession and some squee: Insta-rec! nicole_anell just made a gorgeous vid about Sam Anders, his character and his relationship with Kara: Electrical Storm. It's great meta for his post-cylon-awareness arc in season 4 and his devotion to his wife. BLOODY AMAZING VID y'all.

    [x] irradiatedsoup: don't let yourself be lost: Doctor (DW) vid: Handlebars by flummery; Everyone and their uncle has recced this, and with good reason. It's just so well put together, great matching of the lyrics and the clips, without being cheesy. The song gets under your skin and and I really love the awareness and meshing of the adorable, dorky doctor next to the powerful, scary, world-breaking doctor. It's just really one of those perfect vids that you kind of wish you made. Donna (DW) vid: Don't Lose Yourself by sweetestdrain; Okay, so. When I saw the last episode of the most recent season, I was too exhausted and too angry to get very upset about [spoilers]. But last night I watched this, and well, I cried my face off. Consider that a rec, and a warning.

    [x] crack_van: VID REC: Man From U.N.C.L.E. - Charmed Life: Charmed Life by tomfooltook28. Napoleon/Illya. ink_n_imp. They work so well together, don't they?

    [x] crack_van: VID REC: The Sentinel - Like Wow, Wipeout: Like Wow, Wipeout by Rhianne. I had thought that the lyrics and the style of this song fit Blair and his relationship with Jim perfectly, it's Rhianne's brilliant vidding that really brings it to life and makes it work so well. She chooses such terrific clips and edits them together so skillfully that you'd think the Hoodoo Gurus had Blair in mind when they were writing the song.

    [x] crack_van: VID REC: Star Wars - Ae Fond Kiss: Ae Fond Kiss by Myascarlet. Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Padmé Amidala Skywalker. The pairing of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Padmé Amidala goes as far back as The Phantom Menace, when two beauties onscreen together ought to have had ... something. But the storyline did not go that way, so Obidala was born. Padmé wed Anakin in mya_scarlet's version of events, but survived childbirth to hide with Leia on Alderaan. As the summary states, "... This is Padmé's soothing song to a battle-worn and broken-hearted Obi-Wan as they part for the final time. Alone in his desert hut, Obi-Wan hears her voice and remembers how they used to sing together, and Padmé discovers he's not quite as far away as she thinks." I liked especially the chance to hear McGregor's impressive baritenor blend with Lynch's sweet voice in song, and the scene in the Map Room. The stars were kinder in this version of Revenge of the Sith.

    [x] crack_van: VID REC: Harry Potter - Everytime: Everytime by Alyona/ReaSilvia. Okay, can I just assume that everybody reading this is aware of Snape's fate in the final HP book? Now, I know my view of his fate isn't shared by everybody - not even all Snape fans - but I'm fairly certain that I'm not alone in wishing that Snape's story had a different ending. When OotP came out, JKR said that when she wrote the end of Sirius's life, she cried. I'd wager (although not with money, mind you) that she felt no similar grief when it came to Snape. This vid - sentimental, but never cloying or cliched - is for anybody who harbors a secret (and possibly irrational *g*) belief that Snape warranted at least a "sorry."

    [x] crack_van: VID REC: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Happy Girl: Happy Girl by pipsqueaky. Hint of Willow/Tara, but mostly a gen Tara character vid. This is only Tara vid I've ever liked. It captures the self-confidence that Tara gained from becoming one of the Scoobies--and, consequently, what was lost with her death. (Although, I'm not about to start a banner-war over it.)

    [x] crack_van: VID REC: Stargate SG-1 - It's My Life: It's My Life by KJ@SVALA. reminds me of some of the reasons why I love Cam so very much: he's a dork, he feels everything deeply; his heart is huuuge, he's so damn earnest, he can still feel awe, he just wants to be 'team', he's funny or at least thinks he is, he can't stay down because he doesn't know how, he hides behind the superficial southern good ole boy he projects, and he's gorgeous with the prettiest blue eyes. I think the song really embodies his philosophy. He does live his life like it's now or never; he wants to grab life by the throat and just live. I love the way the clips echo the music, how they flow into each other, and where they resonate with the lyrics. I especially love how she paired the clips with shout it loud stood their ground which totally chokes me up knowing what happens to them, going to live forever with the downed 302 which breaks my heart. And the Jack/Daniel friendship vid A Friend To Me on this site is beautiful

    [x] crack_van: VID REC: Starsky & Hutch - How Can I Tell You: How Can I Tell You by Mary Van Deusen aka maidavids. This vid led me into Starsky & Hutch fandom, and ultimately into becoming a vidder myself. I had a very, very hard crush on Starsky, and who was this Hutch guy? Still, their interactions made me love them - they were tough men who had no problems with touching and comforting each other. My little romantic heart was truly was this vid that reminded me of the love between those two guys and made me want more of the S&H fandom. Mary is one of the early, classic vidders, and her style is of course representative of the vcr-to-vcr vidding days, so if you're looking for flash and effects, you won't find it here, but you will find a sweet, solid vid about how much these two fellas truly love each other.

    [x] crack_van: VID REC: Popslash - "Come Back To Me": Come Back To Me by Mette aka bubbleforest. You're very hard pressed to find decent vidders in the popslash community, especially ones that are active in the fandom. I had my pick, pretty much, of any of her videos so why this one? It's the only pairing vid she's done for this fandom, and while I love gen vids, pairing based vids are my cup of tea because I love seeing how others interpret the subtext in the same videos I've been watching (that, and I'm sucker for romance!). This is a rare rec for me for two reasons: It breaks up my OTP, but it also leaves Nick out of the equation but the quality of the video is amazing (well, as amazing as you can get with some of the source material we have at our disposal). It also clearly conveys what it set out to do: Tell the story of two young men who can't live without each other.

    [x] crack_van: VID REC: NCIS - How To Save A Life: How To Save A Life by CausticQuery. Gibbs/Ducky fen are often saying that so much of the relationship we see is shown to us in looks, in the lack of personal space (the beginning of S4 aside), the touches and the overall interaction - but all that can be seen as the deep, close friendship we all (Gibbs/Ducky and non-Gibbs/Ducky fen alike) see and know they have. This video looks at that and how that was threatened at the end of S3 and the beginning of S4. As with all of Caz's videos the choice of video shot and the lyrics tie in perfectly and captivate from beginning to end. It's moving, poignant and it works so very well. And even if you aren't a Gibbs/Ducky fan, this video can be enjoyed as a deep, close friendship video - because all it consists of is what we see on the screen week in week out.

    [x] kassrachel: Sayid vid rec: One of my favorite vids is a Lost/House crossover about Jack/Cameron. You can see it here, and I just saw that there's also a sequel, which is also really good. They're vids that really make you appreciate the worldbuilding qualities of editing.

    [x] kassrachel: Sayid vid rec: ageless_aislynn has posted a Lost vid that I like a lot. It's Sayid/Elsa. The vid works well with the percussive qualities of the song ("Prelude 12/21.") It also showcases the violence in a lot of Sayid's storylines -- and the truly balletic quality of the violence, for which I give props to Naveen Andrews, because man, he makes fighting look pretty. Chock-full of S4 spoilers, so caveat viewer and all that.

    [x] bradcpu: Non-VVC vid recs, VVCish vid thoughts, Bascon, etc.: Hell of a Place by giandujakiss (X-Files). will stir up some serious nostalgia. the presentation of the relationship works in this vid because it simmers under the larger tapestry of the series. Human by sweetiejen (SPN). Extremely believable and emotional AU narrative here, sans manips. Thrown Away by leviathan101 (BtVS/AtS). A good round of kick the Spike. Love the pacing and connections. This World by buffyann (BSG). gets in my head and won't leave me alone until I watch it again. Beautiful Struggle by nightchik (Harry Potter). It's just so packed with clever lyric ties that I'm still picking up new things. 45 by bananainpyjamas (BSG). It's just plain gripping and thrilling. Handlebars by flummery (Doctor Who). Watching it over and over you gain such an appreciation for the insidious nature of the first half. Then comes the fireworks. I Want You (She's So Heavy) by kiki_miserychic (Multi). we watch this one like three straight times. Every night. dualbunny's Party Join Us (She-Ra).

    This is an inclusive newsletter: I attempt to include all of the vid recs that I find. It is not, however, exhaustive. If you have suggestions for particular communities or journals to watch (particularly ones that use tags) or are interested in helping to collect links, please let us know.

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