Venatus Superum [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Venatus Superum

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[Dec. 25th, 2008|11:17 am]
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Ho Ho Ho!

Happy Solstice!!!
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[Sep. 26th, 2008|10:19 pm]
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♪♪♪♪ I went walking in with my mama one day,
when she
warn me what people say,
live your
life until love is found,
love's gonna get you down.
Take a look at the girl next door,
a player and a down right whore,
slows up, she wants more,
oh bad girls get you down.

Sucking too
hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down,
sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down.
Say love, say love,
or love's gonna get you down.
say love, say love,
or love's gonna get you down. ♪♪♪♪

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[Sep. 25th, 2008|10:14 pm]
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Ooooh. Pretty!
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|10:00 pm]
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'Least you coulda done was give a warning. S'not polite, ripping people 'round like that, is it?

Th'fuck's this, then? Another bloody 'lesson'?

(OOC: Zira has come into VS, after a prolonged stay in Hell- probably seemed like a few years to him, a few weeks to everyone else, given Hell having its own passage of time. This has left him a lot more rough around the edges, both in appearance, and overall apathy, as reflected in his new nonchalance in his grammar. He's a changed soul, now, and is likely to resent (read: be afraid to approach/get close to) those he knew before, at least for now.)
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[Aug. 4th, 2008|12:56 pm]
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What. The. Hell.
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