behind the velvet out of character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
behind the velvet out of character

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[09 Nov 2009|03:34pm]
hello! Mercy here. i know i am not a modly figure, but i have a good idea! since the auction has been over for quite some time, i just want to discuss what happened with my characters in particular! i thought this was important because for Zee in particular, there is a lot of important stuff that happened to her on her date. so i just thought i would post this and leave it for anyone else who wants to talk about what might have happened on their dates. all of the auction winners are here in case you forgot.

firstly, in terms of Zee and Terence, after much hatred and yelling, she ended up staying in her own flat. he decided that he wanted to have dinner in her house and she couldn't kick him out because he was the winner of the date. so he cooked for her, she surprisingly liked it, and with an interruption from Chelsea, she ends up telling him that Chelsea is his daughter and promptly kicks him out.

Lavender and Nat on the other hand had a very nice time. they went out to dinner and afterward, each of them went someplace they liked; Nat took Lavender to the Quidditch Pitch and Lavender took Nat shopping. it was overall a very nice date and they promised to hang out and see one another in the near future.
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