January 2013



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Jan. 6th, 2013


Apologies for the delay

Hey guys!

Sorry that I've been slow lately. I'm having some medical problems that I'm getting investigated. I will be replying to things, but I'm probably going to be slow about it for a while until I figure out what's going on and get it treated.

This just affects Nina.


Jan. 1st, 2013


Hey everyone! I have returned from my horribly long absence and am now playing catch up. Checking out all the cool things that have been happening here while I was gone.

Also all of my charas are open for plotting. Especially Char my oc angel that sometimes poses as a hunter. So maybe she ran into someone at some point?

Either way I'm glad to be back! Hope ya'll had a great holiday!!


Dec. 30th, 2012


Hi, my name's Kaz and I will be playing the lovely Alle, I'm open to all and any plottage.

Dec. 16th, 2012


Open Post

OK I've put an open Faith post up, it doesn't have a proper location on purpose, so anyone can jump on without compromising their other lines


Hello! My name is Lex and for now I just play one character. Nina is the girl queen of Azazel's special children. She is the result of her mother having an affair with a human psychic, although she only found out that the man she called "dad" was not her biological father recently.

Before her demon's blood-given psychic abilities awakened, Nina had a couple of human psychic abilities, including talking to ghosts (which her family assumed was Nina's over active imagination). When she developed telepathy, her family locked her up in a mental institution because they were freaked out and handled it poorly. During her stay at the institution, she also got the power of probability manipulation and is now learning how to control it. For now, she can mainly use it to make people trip, car tires deflate, etc...and to be a hardcore card shark.

Nina is quite loyal to Azazel because he came to her in her dreams and followed through on his promise to get her out of the institution - whereas her family didn't even visit on her birthday. She has an abandonment complex and is drawn to people who are outsiders. Nina is still a mostly sweet kid who doesn't want to seriously harm anyone and will probably be very nice to her fellow special children. (In fact, since she's the girl queen, she'll decide the rest of the kids need nobility or knight titles - Sir, Lady, etc.)

Plotting/backstory, etc. are awesome and welcome. I have a contact post if anyone needs to reach me and doesn't want to discuss things on the OOC comm. :D Probably a little more reliable than PM.

Dec. 15th, 2012


Hello everyone! My name is Joan!

Sorry for the late appearance today, but these next few weekends leading up to Christmas will be hectic ones so I'll be in and out for a bit. But yeah, I have quite a few characters to introduce into this game too. I don't know how else to put it except that I caught the apping fever I guess.

The first is the infamously devious Ruby, [info]blondeisabitch, who I'm guessing doesn't need much of an introduction. She's a demon looking out for herself and playing the hell game as best as she can; yes, Lucy I'm looking at you ;] Sam and Dean may not appreciate her help, but she's going to be around to call them dumbasses for nearly dying and saving them anyway. Cause while Azazel may not think Sam is up to snuff for being his 'boy king,' she isn't ready to take her eyes off of him yet. So Dean's just going to have to deal with it.

Secondly I have you're new boy king Caleb, [info]burnitout, who is one guy ya don't want to mess with. He wasn't just given the title after all, and he's actually met Yellow-eyes. Got training from the best and just hates people in general. Sam Winchester he is gunning for you because really, he doesn't think you ever should have been considered for the title in the first place. He is not a people person though he is markedly nicer to his fellow special children. Oh and he 'dated' Hela for a hot second, which was kind of epically explosive, but ultimately it's over. Really. Ignore that shadow behind you with the knife. Noooo psycho ex here ;]

Thirdly I bring you HELA, [info]namelesscry, who is one of Yellow-eyes' most faithful followers. You may have seen her twin sister down below who is one of our resident wayward slayers. Basically Hela, formerly Helena, sold her soul to save her baby sister and when hell came to collect she suffered greatly for that human weakness. But then Azazel saved her, showed her the folly of her humanity, and shed it like an old skin. Now she is a demon and loving it, though she's kept her Earthly activities hidden from her sister. Partly because she doesn't care, but mostly because she really does and wants their reunion to be PERFECT with lovely looks of surprise, screams of pain and hopefully some gore. But aside from that sister love/hate forever ♥

Lastly (for my own sanity really) I bring you Charlotte, [info]childofgrace, an angel who escaped the politics of Heaven three years ago following an unlikely clue with an unexpected gift to Earth. She is on a quest looking for God and she is determined to find him. Since she's been here for a bit she's become somewhat used to human emotion and has also spent some of her time hunting the evils walking on Earth. She's my little ray of sunshine in all of this, but I'm sure she'll be maturing throughout the game. Oh and on occasion she's passed herself off as a hunter.

Plots and back stories are loved. Hope to write with ya'll soon ♥

Dec. 16th, 2012


Hey I'm Loz and I'm probably a crazy person due to the number of babies I have here

We'll start with my canon pups, the obvious [info]faithfulfated beautiful badass Faith Lehane, fatherly stuffed shirt [info]ripperintweed_ Rupert Giles and the reanimated wise owl Tara Mclay [info]wisdomisawitch

My OC's are activated punk Slayer Ivy, [info]musicintheivy with a touch background and an attitude problem and grudging older intern Watcher Theo [info]theothewatcher

I'm on GMT so I might lag, but I'm looking forward to playing with everyone"