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Under the Rainbow - OOC community

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[Links:| Taken Characters for May 24-31st ]

[Oct. 19th, 2008|01:14 pm]

Hey guys, Jerry here. I'm bringing in Galen Marek, aka Vader's secret apprentice from the Force Unleashed "multimedia event". As with all my Force-using characters, dude went Light Side ending, so he doesn't have painful armor grafted to his bones. He is glad of this. I should also warn everyone, while I'll try to keep Force Unleashed spoilers to a minimum in his open posts, the comments (especially on his first post) will likely be full of them. So those of you who haven't played the game yet and want to avoid spoilers, it's a good idea to avoid his first post. And, uh, don't read his wiki 'cause I wrote up the entire game in there. Srsly.

Just to give people a heads up, I may be dropping a character or two soon. I haven't decided which ones yet, though I know which ones for sure aren't going: Onyxx and Galen. The others, not sure yet. Figured I'd announce this here and kill two birds with one stone.
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