Under the Rainbow - OOC community - September 21st, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - OOC community

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September 21st, 2010

[Mod Post] Plot! [Sep. 21st, 2010|05:00 pm]


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You guys had some great ideas, and I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to respond to each comment. We will definitely be using some of them in the future!

First, though, we're going to do the space plot!

edit;Unless people have objections, the plot will start Friday, October 8. It would run approximately two weeks, until Friday October 22nd.

Space: We're talking deep, deep space. They won't be able to pull up Earth (or any other home planet) on any of their nav screens. They will have maps, and they can find out which planets are habitable, but they won't recognize any planets. This isn't any one sci-fi universe.

Assignments: There will be crew assignments. Pups will find their uniforms in their quarters (aka, the mods will email you) Some of them will make sense and the pup may readily accept and perform it. Some people may freak out and not want to do it. If someone else thinks they would be a better fit, they can step up.

Quarters: Some pups (captain, crew) will have their own cabins. Others may be expected to share. We will send out random room assignments to those that have roommates. Those will last all week.

Challenges: There will be mini-events or challenges throughout the week. They might have to rescue a derelict vessel, they may encounter aliens, you just don’t know! Check the OOC, because there will be new things to do each day.
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