Under the Rainbow - OOC community - September 10th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - OOC community

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September 10th, 2010

[Mod Post] Activity Check! [Sep. 10th, 2010|01:38 pm]


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Hey guys! I know we normally do a one-day reminder for the Activity check, so I'm extending it by one day since I didn't put up a reminder.

So here it is! Last chance to respond to THE ACTIVITY CHECK

Thanks for being awesome, and sorry about the delay in the reminder! We'll close it up Friday at midnight, EST
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[mod post] PLOT! [Sep. 10th, 2010|02:01 pm]


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OKAY DUDES! It's been forever since we've had a plot. We were hoping to do the cartoon plot, and it never got off the ground because it's super hard to find cartoony icons for everyone. I know some people were really looking forward to it, though, and we aren't ruling it out. We just need some help with the logistics. Feel free to comment here or email us with ideas.

Today, I bring you three five plots for consideration. I want feedback! Which ones do you like the most? Which ones sound boring? Which one do you want to do next? I'd like to see a plot happen before the end of the month!


Option One: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! I know we've done it before, but zombies are always fun, right? We might have a twist or two in mind, and we're open to 'twists' if you guys have ideas too!

Option Two: Flash Forward. This idea is blatantly stolen from the ABC show FlashForward. If you haven't seen it, what happened is that everyone in the world blacked out for two minutes and had visions of their life six months in the future. Some of them were with people they'd never met before, some of them were working on top secret projects, some of them saw nothing, and assumed they would be dead in six months. Would be a way to explore possible futures for your pups, and see what they would do about it, knowing their own future. I predict chaos.

Option Three: Alien Abduction. Random pups would be abducted. This plot might culminate in an 'invasion' scenario with pups having to fight off aliens. Or maybe diplomacy could save the day! For the abductions, we'd have the option of taking volunteers or having the mods draw characters at random, using a random number generator. Please let me know which method you would prefer, and will go with what the majority wants.

Option Four: Under the Rainbow... IN SPACE! Everybody would suddenly be on a big spaceship, traveling in space lightyears away from Earth. What will happen? Who will you be assigned to bunk with? What are you going to do with all those tribbles under your bed?

Option Five: Random Plot! Yes, we've done it before, but it's random! It's never the same plot twice! Once again, I would email you random things/powers/roles/missions for your characters. This time, we might divide it into three or four sections, so that not everyone is crazy at the same time.

Option Six: YOU TELL ME! Comment or email us with plot ideas! We are up for just about anything!

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