Under the Rainbow - OOC community - January 28th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - OOC community

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January 28th, 2009

[Jan. 28th, 2009|05:32 pm]



I've dropped the following characters. I've just lost their voice or I am not doing anything with them so it's not fair to have them in game. The canon ones that I am dropping because I lost their voice are:

Brigitte Fitzgerald- [info]outbysixteen
Doc Scurlock- [info]thepoetcowboy
Schmendrick the Magician- [info]doasyouwill
Piper Halliwell- [info]angel_wife

OC's or AU canon that I am dropping cause I'm not doing anything with them are:
J'kob (Star Wars OC)- [info]jkob
Toshio Sato (Torchwood AU)- [info]technogenius
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[Jan. 28th, 2009|06:18 pm]
Bah, it's Misha again.

You may have noticed (or maybe not) that [info]slates has a new face. Why have three Christian Kane shaped pups, when I can have two CKs and an Alexis Denisof? Alexis fits the character in my head as well as CK. So, it's all good.

But. *eyes Nelle* Damn it all, cruising the internets for icons of Alexis/Wes renewed my love of The Wesley. (Hello. My car is named Wesley. Yes.) Well. nelle beat me to the punch, there. So, I mentioned picking up an AU Wes, and she was not opposed, so I bring you an AU Wes. He's coming in a little past mid Season Two. Wes was shot in Season 2 Episode 14, and seen in a wheelchair for the next two episodes. Well, those of you who know me know I like playing characters with disabilities...

So. I bring you Wheelchair!Wes. Wheeee. He'll intro tonight, most likely. And if not tonight, tomorrow.
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