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[May. 27th, 2009|03:08 pm]

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[Current Mood |anxious]

Who: Wyatt and Kyra
Where: Starting at her place and then heading to the beach
When: Early afternoon
What: A..date?
Rating: TBD

Wyatt was nervous, the last time he took a girl to the beach..well that didn't end so well, but this time was different, it had to be. Taking a deep breath he held tight to the picnic basket full of food that Peighton prepared for him, because lets face it the man can't cook, and knocked on the door to where Kyra stayed.

As he stood and waited, Wyatt ran through all the scenarios, all the things that could happen when she opened the door, and every one of them was more unrealistic than the last.

When the door opened and he was now face to face with the girl he smiled, pleased that everything he feared seemed to be false.
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[Jan. 22nd, 2009|10:25 pm]

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Who: Wyatt and Erica
Where: Anywhere she wants to go
When: Just after their talk
What: Getting her some peace. Timey Wime Plot
Rating: TBD

Wyatt loved to help people, and if it was a pretty woman he would be more than happy to dive in and help her. Though he knew this thinking closely resembled most men and how they just look to hook up with someone, but he couldn't help it.

Keeping his promise, Wyatt made his way to the address she had given him, and looked around for anyone who might be waiting for someone.
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[Nov. 11th, 2008|12:44 pm]

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[Current Mood |busy]

Who: Peighton and Piper and Taxi cab Wyatt
Where: Wherever Piper is
When: Afternoon
What: Discussion
Rating: TBD

Peighton knew that before she decided what she wanted to do she needed to talk to her aunt. There were many reasons why, but mostly because she didn't want to upset her since this happened to also be one of her biggest dreams.

Gathering everything she had done to work out what she wanted she packed up and prayed that she wasn't making a huge mistake. The one thing the feisty brunette could be happy about was that her cousin, the one she barely seemed to get along with, was more than willing to give her a 'lift' as it were to see Her aunt, but she was certain it was only because he wanted to see his mom.
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[Nov. 11th, 2008|07:52 am]

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[Current Mood |anxious]

Who: Wyatt and Hope
Where: meeting for dinner
When: Evening
What: Making up for mistakes

When Wyatt arrived he searched for the girl who he had inadvertantly upset. It wasn't that he didn't want to get to know her, that he wasn't interested in her, but he had simply gotten caught up in all the wildness of the family he is always orbing off to try and see.

Since Wyatt felt he had a lot of making up to do the least he could do was take her somewhere nice, and possibly bring some flowers with him...he just hoped she didn't already hate him.
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