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[Jan. 28th, 2008|11:39 pm]
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who: Stonewall and Spairn
what: Um . . . naked wrestling? XD
where: Stone's apartment in NYC
when: late night
rating: NC-17, clearly.
warnings: mansex, possibly language.

Okay, so the naked thing had worn off, but that didn't mean they couldn't have a little fun, right? Stone was starting to wonder if things were ever going to go the way they needed to, in this place. He'd been trying to get Spairn here for a while now, and it was making the former combat teacher a little antsy. What was so fucking interesting wherever the hell Spairn was living nowadays, anyway? Sure, this place wasn't Lindeburgh - they didn't have their students or any of the others they had come to know from Stratford and Banks-Mullis, but that didn't mean things couldn't be salvaged here. If only he could get Spairn over here . . .

There had to be some way. There HAD to be.

Of course, he never suspected he might be in for a surprise.
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[Jan. 14th, 2008|06:50 pm]
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Who: Stonewall and Spairn
What: A phone call. A possibly frantic and maybe a little tipsy.
Where: Brixton and The East Village
When: Last night
Warnings: Language and who the heck knows what else.

This was so not the note Spairn wanted to begin the new semester on. There was no reason whatsoever for such tomfoolery, thanks very much, and if this was a prank from that one reality-warping child who sat in the back of the class day to day.. well, they were going to have words once he woke up from this bad trip.

Yes, he had promised Stone a call, but before he could do that Spairn needed a drink or three to loosen his bones a little. Okay, maybe four, but that was his limit. Four very large drinks, and he was on his way out the door of the liquor store with the bags in his hands. Ha, he hadn't said for glasses, now had he.

Fumbling around with his phone while attempting to juggle around said bags wasn't all that difficult, and with quick fingers he punched in the right combination for Stone's speed dial and settled the phone between ear and shoulder, cracking open a can of beer as he waited for the man to pick up.
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