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[Dec. 1st, 2008|03:23 am]
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WHO: Carrick, Pinion, Jasper, Robin, Lulu, and whoever else shows up.
WHERE: Mostly Lulu's cabin in Switzerland, with field drips to the Void and the apartment over the toyshop.
WHEN: Now.
WARNINGS: FATE! PROPHESY! TEA! MONOLOGUING! ANGST! And questionably-motivated backrubs!

Log! )

The room is enveloped in an awkward, pregnant silence having nothing to do with the round-bellied woman as fathers and sons study one another from across the room. Robin, still ignorant of his relationship to Pinion, looked at them both with simple curiousity and perhaps happiness to have found others from their world here. Pinion's animal Bosmeri face was unreadable, but his posture was hesitant, almost aggressive. Carrick looked merely befuddled, and Jasper gave every indication of not caring a bit what his apparent sire had to say -- and the fact that they were related was apparent. Jasper bore an uncanny resemblance to his father despite being Breton, and Robin certainly did echo his father's appearance, but not nearly so strongly.

It was Jasper who first broke the silence.

"Well? You wanted us. We came. What is it?" He seemed bored, his voice weary, his expression frozen with a kind of deep, perpetual sadness.

And at that, Carrick actually smiled. "By the Nine. You really are... very unlike me."

"You're not going to hug me, are you?" the dark-haired Breton asked.

Carrick shook his head. "No. We don't even know one another. I am Carrick of Anvil, and this is my brother Pinion... Robin's sire, if our suspicions are true."

Robin sat up straight, his eyes wide. "What?"

Pinion glanced at the Khajiit, not quite scowling. "Was your mother Zhuzhani?"

Robin nodded dumbly. Pinion crossed his arms and huffed. "Well. Sorry."

Carrick puta hand on his brother's head fondly and gave Robin an apologetic smile. "It is... enlightening... to meet you both."
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