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[Dec. 23rd, 2008|03:51 am]
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Who: Alice and Hareton Earnshaw
What: Meeting
Where:Westminster Bridge
When: Nowish?

She didn't trust the tube yet - there was something a bit too familiar to her about going under ground to go from one place to the other for her comfort. It also really, really smelled wrong, down there, and that many people were not meant to get on some strange metal... thing that whooshed around. Still, Westminster bridge wasn't far, and walking was just as easy as anything else.

She had gotten what she came to the city for already, the small black rocks secreted away in her pocket, her calmness perhaps the effect of bit of indulgence before she left. It was a good thing, really, or the people may have been a bit much for her. Still, it was fairly easy to find the statue of Boadicea. She stopped at the foot of the statue, biting lightly on her thumb as she looked around, hoping he'd looks suitably bewildered or something.
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