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[Jan. 27th, 2008|01:37 am]
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Who: Erik and Christine
When: Late Saturday night
Where: Somewhere in London
Why: Christine is lost and her angel must rescue her
Rating: PG-13 for language possibly

Erik was only getting the hang of the computer now, so he hadn't yet learned how to navigate the streets of London in a car. He sat staring at the laptop screen, memorizing the address before he called for his driver and told him he had to go to the address at once. The slightly older man had no qualms in escorting his employer to said destination, and within thirty minutes, Erik arrived at the corner, his dark eyes peering out of the limo's window to search for Christine. When he spotted her, he had him stop and he emerged, dressed in casual attire of a button up shirt and trousers, black shoes and his hair and mask obscured as he pulled the brim of a hat down.
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[Jan. 24th, 2008|09:45 pm]
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Who: Erik and Joanne
Where: Erik's office
When: Nowish
Why: Conversation and tea. And we know what comes with tea.
Rating: With us, it's gonna be dirty.

"Hmm, suppose it's time to see if this old face is still the same," he said after having called his secretary and told her to send a car to fetch Joanne at her given address. Erik took a deep breath and pushed away from his desk. There was a mirror in his private bathroom, one he'd been loathe to look into every since he'd discovered it, but he cautiously walked in, his hands shaking nervously. He was afraid it'd still be the same and that'd he'd be doomed to a second existence of the same shunning social standards.

He took a deep breath and reached up, fingertips fixing tightly on the edges of the mask to pull it away from his skin. But he didn't feel the way it used to stick to the bare muscle and his eye didn't feel as dry. Like he had real flesh there. He sucked in a breath as he stared at his visage in the mirror for a long time, not able to pull his eyes away from it.

There he remained until she'd finally arrive.
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