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[Nov. 27th, 2008|09:08 pm]
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Who: Ella and Presto
What: Foot Massage
When/Where: Tonight, Ella's apartment
Warnings: TBD

Ella felt a little flutter of excitement. She was hodting a guest in her home. He was cute, too. A little young, but that was all right. If he gave as good a foot massage as he promiesd, she didn't care how old, or young, he was. She spent a few minutes tidying up, taking the dirty dishes from the table by the sofa and ropping them in the sink. She straightned the cluttler, hoping to make the apartment presentable. She wasn't sure she succeeded, and her feet really did hurt, and after a few minutes, she just gave up and sat on the sofa to wait for him.

She turned the TV on, flipping through the channels. Nothing held her interest and she eventually shut it off and slouched, feet propped up on the coffee table. She settled turned half sideways to rest against the sofa. Eyes closed, she hummed to herself as she waited.
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