Who: Tach, Seth, Merv, maybe others? What: Rescue Mission! When: Day Four Warnings: Oh, I imagine there will be language and violence.
Tachikoma was back in the chair. She was pale and there were dark circles under her eyes. He'd let her walk around for a little while on the third day, but that had ended when she'd tried to lie down and close her eyes. Now the purpose of her bonds was mainly to keep her upright, rather than to keep her from running. He hadn't let her go until she was complacent enough to face the window and not try to look. He stayed behind her the whole time.
Now she had been awake for over a hundred hours. She was quiet, her head occasionally tilting jerkily to the side whenever she thought she heard something. Every now and then she thought she heard a footstep, or a woman's voice. She looked down at her fingers, pressing them together to keep them from shaking. Now that her resolve was completely broken, Seth had stopped hiding from her. They would be leaving the city soon.