Tony Stark (thanksjarvis) wrote in utr_logs, @ 2011-10-05 17:06:00 |
Entry tags: | elena gilbert, harry potter, hermione granger, merry brandybuck, pepper potts, pippin took, tony stark |
Who: Currently Tony Star, Merry & Pippin. Consider this an open log.
Where: Las Vegas, Nevada (Also, Bat Country)
When: Assume tonight, but I'll admit he's totally lost track.
What: Shameless Ripping off of Hunter S. Thompson Source Material, and also hijinx
Rating: I don't even know. Seriously. Assume he'll swear, and I promise no hot hobbit action, but I also cannot promise that Tony won't lose his pants at some point.
Don't worry, I swear an intervention is inevitable.
Tony couldn't state with certainty where they had rented (or borrowed, or bought) the red convertible. He was pretty sure it wasn't stolen, but that was hours ago, long before he'd found the sweet white hat and nifty yellow sunglasses.
He was drawing the line at the cigarette holder. That shit would kill you.
"Well, gentlehobbits. Where to next?"