Henriette Stillman (not_that_henri) wrote in utr_logs, @ 2009-10-03 23:50:00 |
Entry tags: | henriette stillman, soren skwigelf |
Who: Henn and Soren
Where: Party supply store, and then probably the Casa de los Wolfpack
What: Plaaaaaans
When: Saturday afternoon/evening
Warnings: 90% likelihood, yes.
It was the first weekend of October, which as far as Henn was concerned meant that she had three weeks to plan, supply, and prepare for a party. All in all, it shouldn't be a problem, but it also meant that she was enlisting assistants so she didn't go overboard.
For once she had her costume set and ready, she hadn't decided fully on what pieces she was using, but she had time to hang out with Anne and figure that out After all: things usually went the other way around, costume was an arduous, painstaking process and a party was thrown together at the last minute. But with costume already out of the way, it gave her time to actually plan the party.
"Sooreeeen!" She called up the stairs, "How long does it take to find your shoes?"