Tach was in a bad state. She was sad and angry and she didn't know how to handle all of these negative emotions. She wasn't used to having them. Even after what had happened with Seth, Tach had bounced back quickly. She had been a little nervous for a while, but she hadn't felt like this.
She hadn't slept in days. She knew it wouldn't bring Merv back, but she was angry at Dream. She didn't have a way to get back at him, but this seemed like a way to get back at him. She didn't want to have anything to do with Dream. She didn't want to dream. She'd been taking caffeine pills, like the ones Seth had used to keep her awake. She'd nodded off every now and then, but it had been days since she'd actually slept.
The doorbell sounded strange and far away. It was a few moments before she realized what the sound was. She made her way to the door and pulled it open. It took more effort than usual to open the door. She looked exhausted and jittery. She didn't even feel happy to see Eliot.