Under the Rainbow - Logs community - January 5th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 5th, 2011

[Jan. 5th, 2011|02:33 pm]
Who: Mephisto/Raziel, Ariel, Teja, Azrael, Astarte, Asmodeus, and other assorted beings
What: Transcendence, and the various outcomes associated with it.
When: December 20th to January 15th.
Warnings: Swearing, breaky, etc.

So long, your sorrow.
And he settled in for a nice long brood...
And then Mephisto started to lash out and break, so Azrael and Gabriel restrained him, Ariel and Azrael destroyed the demonic part of him, and then...
Thus returns the prodigal son.
Raziel and Ariel speak for the first time, in a way.
These two finally get together, FINALLY.
And then Teja is a moron. Again.
And Asmodeus is back, and kind of pissy.

And if I missed anything, Cara can feel free to kick me in the knee.
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