Under the Rainbow - Logs community - January 6th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 6th, 2011

[Jan. 6th, 2011|12:40 am]


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[Current Mood |excited]

WHO: Ariel and Ikuko
WHAT: Setting the record straight
WHERE: Her flat in London
WHEN: Right after Epiphany
WARNINGS: Possible, nay, even probable.

After he'd conversed with Azrael further on the subject of his recovering mentor, Ariel had excused himself from the upper regions and sent himself directly to Ikuko's door. It was just after dusk, but unless she was at work, he guessed that she would be home; he knew she preferred to stay in after a long day.

He knocked on the door lightly but firmly, almost buzzing with anticipation. To say he was nervous was an understatement, but he was also excited. One of his first acts after receiving the heavenly welcome, so to speak, had been to closet himself with a Japanese textbook. It had only taken him about three hours. He hoped she didn't laugh at his dialect or his accent. "Iku-san?" Ariel called, trying to sound calm. "Are you there?" he called in Japanese.
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[Jan. 6th, 2011|09:59 pm]
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WHO: Lakshmi and Uzza
WHAT: Uzza asked her out!
WHERE: Dubai to begin with
WARNINGS: Unlikely but possible.

She'd been surprised and flattered when Uzza had asked her to accompany him somewhere, and she'd accepted with some reservations. She wasn't certain if he had the right idea of her, to be honest, but she enjoyed his company, and if she had to gently put him straight, hopefully she could do that.

She was dressed simply, shirt and skirt, with fishnet stockings and plain, low heels. She waited in the lobby of her apartment building in Dubai, curious as to when Uzza would arrive and what he might have planned.
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