Under the Rainbow - Logs community - July 18th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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July 18th, 2010

[Jul. 18th, 2010|02:03 am]


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WHO: Ariel and Mephisto, it turns out.
WHAT: A summoning.
WHERE: The back room of Nemo's Rare Books, London.
WARNINGS: I highly doubt it, aside from snark.

He'd found the book atop a small stack that had been sent to the shop while he'd been in Hawaii, the cast-offs of some rich Englishman he'd arranged to buy. They'd all seemed like fairly normal titles, but Sefer Raziel HaMalach had jumped out at him.

He knew the story well. The Book of Raziel the Angel, the heavenly Keeper of Secrets and divine knowledge, allegedly written by the angel himself and lost in antiquity. There were several versions believed to exist based on an extant copy in Spanish from the 13th century, but things had been lost in translation, of that he was certain.

Still ... the worst that could happen was that nothing would happen.

He'd cleared a space in the back room of the shop, drawn the circles, lit the candles (luckily he'd had a supply of pure beeswax). and knelt to begin the spells. He was finally feeling strong enough to do this, though he couldn't recall the last time he'd summoned an angel, as opposed to a demon.

The phrases fell from his lips in the polished Spanish of the book, sounded in the dark room, and now, all he could do was wait.
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[Jul. 18th, 2010|08:35 pm]
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Who: Lo & Crowley
Where: Their hotel suite in Venice.
When: Right about now.
What: Demon stuff.
Warnings: Probable.

Sterling is picky about cut text! )
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