Under the Rainbow - Logs community - February 14th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - Logs community

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February 14th, 2010

[Feb. 14th, 2010|05:21 pm]
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Who: Holmes and Watson
What: A visit
Where: Eden Resort and Casino
When: Now
Warnings: Possible.

I know you belong inside my aching heart. )
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[Feb. 14th, 2010|08:01 pm]
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Who: Dominic Jude, Parker Preston Whitley
What: Skydiving. No, really.
When/Where: February 14th, a large airfield out in scenic Middle of Nowhere, Britain
Warnings: None, to start

Considering it was the two of them, it was pretty amazing this was the first time it came up. )
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