Under the Rainbow - Logs community - May 23rd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - Logs community

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May 23rd, 2009

[May. 23rd, 2009|02:30 am]
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WHO: Sable and Skwisgaar Skwigelf
WHAT: talking
WHERE: Casa del Wolfpack
WHEN: tonight
WARNINGS: probably nothing much worse than foul language, but they're also chatting about not really G-rated topics so... there ya go.


It seems that Skwisgaar has joined the fluctuating but ever-present group of resident parental units who have been at the house since Soren got back. It doesn't take long for this to be common knowledge, since the livingroom has become the center of everything, Miniver and Marnie having moved things around and set it up so all four kids could sleep in there.

Sable's not quite her usual on-the-ball self -- as evidenced by how she's spent the past two days wearing pyjama pants and one of Soren's shirts... and all right there's a small fluffy stuffed sheep involved as well. She's at least recovered enough from her own personal crises to have the presence of mind to put it down before going over to Skwisgaar.

"...Mr. Skwigelf? Hi."
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[May. 23rd, 2009|09:30 pm]


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Who: Delia McDermott and Ilya Monroe
What: Planning
Where: Vegas
Warnings: Maybe? Will update

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