Under the Rainbow - Logs community - April 25th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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April 25th, 2009

[Apr. 25th, 2009|07:43 pm]


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Who: Ray, staff of Shake Your Samba Dance Studio, ANYONE!
What: Grand Opening
When: Today/Tonight
Where: Shake Your Samba Dance Studio in NYC
Warnings: Will update, if necessary
Notes: The studio is open to any and all who have any interst at all in danvcing. Start new threads, reply to existing comments, most of all, have fun!

He'd been rushing around all day, making sure everything was in order and ready to go. The doors would open at 4pm, for the grand opening. He wanted everything to be perfect. it wasn't just about dancing, but community and all that went along with it.

He had games for the kids, face painting, a moon walk out front, a hot dog vendor, and a raffle for a new car to entice the adults. Inside, he offered more refreshments and several opportunities to sign up for dance lessons, and the chance to win free lessons.

With balloons dangling from the ceiling, and staff in place, he decided everything was a go, and the doors were ready to open...
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[Apr. 25th, 2009|08:01 pm]


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Who: Gaz Membrane and Cassidy Turner.
What: Sulking outside while people celebrate the birth of Soren Skwigelf.
When: Saturday afternoon.
Where The Skwigelf cabin, Sweden.
Warnings: Grumpy and swearing, but otherwise no.

Everything sucks. )
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[Apr. 25th, 2009|09:51 pm]
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Who: Navi and Raven
What: Who knows? It's been far to long.
When/where: Tonight/ a tree outside their home in British Columbia
Warnings: Watch this space.

Raven was sitting up in the tall sycamore behind their home, watching the sun set, as he decided to break his silence over the boards. It had been harder on him than he thought, to lose his brother like that. For all he knew, Coyote had just wandered off. They all had a tendency to leave. But with Raven so close to having a family again, even in this insane place, it was nice to have a piece of his real home with him.

Still, he knew Coyote would just mock him for taking things so hard, so he tried to put it out of his mind, and knew the best way to do that, would be to have a bit of fun with his fairy. Fiance. Which was still such a strange thought, to him. And yet he couldn't say he minded it, at all. It was just... different.

Seeing her walking out, he lobbed one of the lingering skittles in his pocket towards her, just to get her attention.
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