Under the Rainbow - Logs community - February 27th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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February 27th, 2009

[Feb. 27th, 2009|06:36 pm]

Who: Henry and Anya McCoy
What: An evening of revelations and words
When: Tonight
Where: Their house
Rating: TBD

Another evening to sing, another day to dream, another world to conquer, for these two... )
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It's Friday and you don't have to drive [Feb. 27th, 2009|07:35 pm]


Who: Open to All for Bad Booze
Where: Grubbs and Stille Auto Shop, Whitechapel
When: Tonight
Warnings: REALLY bad alcohol

The last pick-up, a Gremlin with the mysterious thunking noise due to a little kid playing Mr. Fix-it when Daddy wasn't looking, rolled out of the bay and into the district, much to KK's relief. Now was just the 2am tow trucks and panicking joyriding teens until Jacques came in tomorrow morning.

The much heralded tea wine sat in the break area, flanked by different sized mugs, glasses and growlers. A handful of comfortably broken-in but clean couches gave somewhere to sit down besides the empty hydraulic lifts, with an electric bass and guitar propped against an arm for noodling and NOT playing anything by Etheridge.

She left the garage door open, lights on as an open invite, and flicked on the rock station for some noise as she started to degrease her arms and hands.
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[Feb. 27th, 2009|08:37 pm]
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who: Elizabeth and Mary Tudor
Where:  University at Cambridge, England
What: two sisters catching up
When: soon after this

Even though they were rivals as Elizabeth grew old, when she was a child, Mary was almost a mother to her. It was when she became queen and feared her position that Elizabeth's life was at risk.

How strange it was, that in this era, the roles were almost reversed. Elizabeth in her mid 30s and a well respected professor and Mary a young lady and a student herself.

She gave Mary the location of the closest portkey and directions where to meet her. Now, she was waiting besides one of the center buildings of the university, quite different from how the portraits artists portrayed her: she abandoned the wigs for her natural strawberry blonde hair and instead of gowns she wore a deep brown dress suit with a red brooch. The total effect was simple and yet still grand.
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