Under the Rainbow - Logs community - February 18th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - Logs community

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February 18th, 2009

[Feb. 18th, 2009|06:01 am]


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Who: Candy Quackenbush and Tony Stark.
What: Drinking in Paris.
When: Tuesday night.
Where: A bar in Paris that Tony knows.
Warnings: Drinking, swearing, and silly.

The legal drinking age in France is 16. )
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[Feb. 18th, 2009|11:30 pm]


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Who: Emmett Cullen and Rosalie Hale
What: They just got married again, so it's time to drop off the baby at Edward's and go on another honeymoon.
When: Nowish.
Where: An expensive ski lodge in Switzerland.
Warnings: Possible swearing and violence. Definitely sex.

Newlyweds Again )
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