Under the Rainbow - Logs community - February 6th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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February 6th, 2009

[Feb. 6th, 2009|09:30 am]
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Who: Tyler and Fred Harkness
When: After this post.
Where: Tyler's suggesting Jade's place
What Lots of warning filled stuff
Warnings: A lot, drinking, swearing, sex, debauchery.
Status: In Progress

Hadn't left his mind... )
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[Feb. 6th, 2009|04:00 pm]


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Who: Melpomene and Geoff Chaucer
What: Orange Julius.
When: Nowish.
Warnings: Doubtful?

If the lines at the local Orange Julius weren't so annoyingly long, there was a possibility that she would have made her self-imposed 20 minute deadline. A slight one, sure, but it was possible. Still, she'd come up with a moderately suitable peace offering for her lateness in the form of Auntie Anne's pretzels, since mall food seemed to be the order of the day. She teleported herself rather easily to a spot not far from the address she was given and made her way to the door, pausing as she got there. Her hands were quite full, and she wasn't sure exactly how to... Giving up, she just kicked the door as lightly as she could, wincing a bit as she heard the thud of the platform boots against the wood... Oh well. At least it didn't make a mark?
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[Feb. 6th, 2009|08:46 pm]
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Who: Catia Silva and Henry Fitzroy
When: After this
What: Sex
Where: Henry's place
Warnings: Sex and lots of it. Probably some violence, depends on how kinky they get.
Status: In Progress

Blood and Chocolate )
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[Feb. 6th, 2009|09:33 pm]
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Who: Dustfinger and Del
What: Striking a friendship, perhaps?
When: Tonight
Warnings: Long Haired, Shirtless Paul Bettany is hot.

He pulled his shirt off, folded it neatly and set it down in his bag at the same time he withdrew a bottle that appeared to be full os sparkling glitter. He drank from the bottle, but didn't swallow. He held the sparkles in his mouth, his cheeks puffed which only made the scars that marked his left eye more prominant. Seeming to hold his breath, he removed two items from the bag, and replaced the bottle deep inside. The items were small torches attached to chains, which he wrapped around his hands.

Blowing out his cheeks, fire erupte from his lips the way one might imagine fire came from the mouths of dragos, curling upward into a glowing fireball. Dustfinger lifted first one, then the other torch to the flame, setting the ends to flame. Heaning back tot he point he looked like he might topple backward, his arms began to move in a well calculated move, twirling the torches in the air in a delightful show of concentration and skill.

Perhaps unnoticed among the crowd, a small horned marten named Gwin made his way from person to person, seeking out treasures to steal. Each item he lifted off an unsuspecting onlooker was dropped into Dustfinger's bag along side the bottle of glitter at the precice moment Dustfinger breathed out a new fire ball, flames climbing upward as if to reach the stars, while the man performed his act, dancing among the flame of his torches.

When he'd blown all the fire from his mouth, he slowed his motion, and snuffed the torches out quickly and quietly, bowing before the gathered crowd. He was exhausted, sweat beading his forhead and rolling down his back and chest. Dustfinger wiped his hand across his brow as he stood, turning to his bag to return the torches to their place.
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The journey of a thousand miles [Feb. 6th, 2009|11:10 pm]


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Who: Constable Benton Fraser and Inspector Meg Thatcher
When: Two days after this post
What: Fraser's leaving London for Toronto for a task nobody should have to undertake.
Where: Heathrow airport, 10:30AM
Warnings: None

Fraser has never cared much for airports )
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