Under the Rainbow - Logs community - December 21st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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December 21st, 2008

[Dec. 21st, 2008|07:32 pm]


[Current Mood |curious]

WHO: Antigone & Anteros
WHAT: Reunion
WHERE: London Cafe
WARNINGS: Um... no?

At last... )
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[Dec. 21st, 2008|08:20 pm]


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Who: Lulu Skwigelf and Henriette Stillman.
What: Last minute gift shopping.
When: Sunday evening.
Where: Malls.
Warnings: Possible swearing, but not really.

Women are wily. )
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[Dec. 21st, 2008|10:55 pm]
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Who: Edward Sexby and Angelica Fanshawe
What: Reuniting
When: Tonight
Where: Ireland somewheres
Warnings: TBD

Since Angelica had gotten to this place, she had been confused and overwhelmed but still the one thing she wished was that Edward were there with her. At least if he was there, she wouldn't be so afraid. Elizabeth was relying on her not to be scared, so she had to be brave for her if anything else.

When they took the portkey over to Ireland, she tried to explain to Elizabeth that her father was here but she didn't know how. Elizabeth was just glad that she would be able to meet him. Angelica was glad too. When they got to the address that he had given her, she turned to her daughter and told her to wait behind the door but where she could see her. She wanted it to be a surprise. Elizabeth hid, trying not to giggle and Angelica knocked on the door.
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[Dec. 21st, 2008|11:42 pm]


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Who: Kakia and Father Clemens
What: Church decoration admiring, chatting, flirting
Where: His church
When: Sunday afternoon
Warnings: Yes. Yes. Finally.

It hadn't taken her too long to change into something a bit more church-appropriate, finding a dress that at least pretended to take into account that it was winter. She was quite pleased at today's turn of events... she'd actually almost forgot it was Sunday and that there was mass, not that she'd have gone anyhow - but being told she was missed was always a pleasing thing.

She thought up a coat to wear and tossed it over her shoulders, and grabbed the carefully wrapped box she'd been saving and slid it into her pocket, ready to head out. With a blink she was gone from Monte Carlo and within a bock of the church, walking briskly to the door, and pausing only a moment before knocking.
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